Category Archives: Thetahealing

3 signs of depression

Depression can become so overwhelming and debilitating that it can be almost impossible to function. Completing simple, everyday tasks like bathing and eating become too much to bear against the sheer weight of depression, which often feels like a hopeless pit in your stomach or like an elephant is sitting on your chest. 

The worst part about depression is that it doesn’t discriminate. Even if you seem like a person who “has it all” and with everything anyone could want, you can still suffer from crippling despair and sadness, like how healthy people can still find themselves with terminal illnesses. Fortunately, there are many ways to help deal with depression, with hypnotherapy being a practical solution available to anyone who needs it. 

Here are the common causes of depression and how hypnotherapy can help you overcome them:

  1. Feelings of Unworthiness
depression and unworthiness
Depression often leads to feelings of being unworthy and not being good enough.

Feeling like you don’t deserve your good fortune or your dreams and desires often leads to depression. Thanks to the Internet, we are more exposed to other people’s accomplishments, and we pay particularly more attention to those who look like they’re doing much better than we are. As a result, we feel pressured to do more and be more because, as we are, we aren’t enough.

The truth is that even the most revered, beautiful celebrities have suffered from having to look perfect all the time, especially women. Like Rita Hayworth and Ava Gardner, who were renowned for their allure and beauty, well-loved icons have all chosen to live life away from the spotlight because of the sheer pressure of maintaining a perfect façade. Actors and athletes feel the same pressure as well, believing that they need to ‘keep performing’ to continue the charade of constantly feeling happy and ‘having it all.’

However, hypnotherapy can help you address these beliefs by guiding you through your thought process and uncovering why you don’t believe you are worthy enough. By untangling your thought patterns and sifting the negative from the positive, you’ll eventually realise that you are, indeed, deserving of everything you want, even your wildest dreams. By addressing the root of the matter, you can gain the confidence you need to get up and pursue your goals and live the life you’ve always wanted.

  1. Adhering to Other People’s Ideals of Happiness

Until recently, the popular notion of happiness involved having a partner, children, material wealth, and a successful career. However, the path to these is often lined with making choices that sometimes do not make you feel comfortable. As a result, you may ignore your inner thirst for goals like establishing yourself as an interior designer, a music producer, or a football star in favour of more traditional pathways, like getting into corporate finance. After all, that’s what you’ve been told is the key to success, right?

trying to please others depression
Trying to please others means diminishing your own needs and desires.

However, not following your heart’s desire and adhering to society’s ideals of happiness has been proven to make you feel miserable. Many people have reported feeling depressed because they did not pursue the career they knew they were meant for, causing them to suppress their love for things that genuinely make them happy. However, by seeing a hypnotherapist, you can undo the beliefs that made you think that there was no other way to be happy than by following society’s ideals. Working with a professional will help you unpack the thoughts and perspectives that hold you back from what you truly want to do, allowing you to live a life without regrets.

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyles

Regularly consuming junk food and staying sedentary is not only bad for your physical wellbeing, but your mental health as well. Unfortunately, depression can lead you into a vicious cycle, where it becomes too difficult to take care of yourself, so you allow your physical health and hygiene to deteriorate. However, it’s essential to realise that you are always in control of what you eat, think, and do, no matter how impossible it may seem.

What you put into your body directly affects how you feel, and hypnotherapy can help you make healthier choices to improve your overall wellbeing. It can change your views and perspectives, helping you believe that exercising regularly, taking care of yourself, and eating the right foods will allow you to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.


Depression is a widespread phenomenon affecting millions of people worldwide, which means that you likely know a few people who have grappled with it. However, by understanding its typical causes and seeing a hypnotherapist to help you recover, you can clear negative energy and put yourself on the right path to living a life you love.
Paul Ramsden specialises in energy healing in Leeds, helping people overcome their fears, anxieties, and depression through hypnotherapy. He works with his patients’ energy symptoms, enabling them to experience life-changing shifts in their consciousness. Schedule an appointment with him today to change your life!

Healing body trauma therapy Leeds

Most people associate emotional trauma with only mental wounds, believing that it doesn’t manifest physically. However, the reality is that the stress and trauma we carry in our minds often presents themselves in our bodies, even when we don’t realise it. It becomes body trauma, which requires transformational energy healing to address.

Anxiety has been on the rise since the pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world. More people feel overwhelmed and panicked at the seemingly endless amount of negative news on TV and social media. Some have even said that they have started to feel sick due to their distress. As a result, more and more people are experiencing body trauma and are at a loss with addressing it.

Understanding Body Trauma

Understanding body trauma Leeds
Your body will hold on to past traumas until they are resolved and released. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Feeling upset and scared doesn’t necessarily have to come from situations that directly affect you; mere exposure to traumatic information from the media you consume is often enough to traumatise you. Your body will be wired to anticipate and evade threats constantly, even when there aren’t any immediate ones present. This constant strain on yourself ultimately leads to body trauma. Survivors of accidents, abuse, and other tragic events have even more difficulty processing this, given their already existing trauma.

Humans are programmed to respond to danger in three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. When you experience a traumatic event, your body commits this feeling to memory, along with the defence mechanisms it has set to fight the trauma. These are kept in the chemicals in your body associated with emotions. By storing memories that contain signs of danger, your body can respond more immediately, helping you avoid threatening situations more easily. However, this fight-or-flight energy can get jammed in your body, overwhelming you and preventing you from responding correctly.

Dealing With Body Trauma Through Transformational Energy Healing

Traumatic experiences do not occur gently or slowly; a surge of strong emotions often accompanies them. While it is imperative to process these emotions healthily, such as crying, resting, or even exercising, traumatised people usually cannot act upon them. Thus, the body looks for an alternative way to express this energy, such as flashbacks or bad dreams. It can even manifest physiologically through neck pains, headaches, and other health conditions. It also affects how you think and perceive your surroundings, making you feel inappropriate guilt and causing you to deem harmless situations as dangerous.

Since trauma changes your body and rewires your brain, you are more susceptible to more trauma. For you to address this adequately, you’ll need transformational energy healing, which will help your body reconfigure its defence system. It will work to relax your body’s response and inform you that you are not in danger, so there is no need to be on high alert. We communicate to your body’s consciousness through energy healing, ensuring it receives and comprehends that it is safe and that it should ease its guard. Once your body calms down, it will be much easier to address the mental and emotional parts of trauma, particularly when determining the emotional energies your body consciousness requires to recover and feel well again.


Pursuing energy healing is a great step towards recovering from body trauma, particularly in an incredibly distressing and upsetting time. By focusing on the physiological aspect of the trauma, it will be more manageable to address the emotional and mental elements, providing you with a holistic healing method.

Paul Ramsden offers transformational energy and metaphysical healing in Leeds, working with people’s energy symptoms to help them achieve life-changing shifts in their consciousness. If you’ve been struggling with something for a long time, be sure to get in touch with me today to start transforming your life for the better.

coaching and therapy for sexual violence

Violence and trauma can leave deep scars on any person. Healing and coping are different for every person, especially when it comes to dealing with experiences related to sexual violence. 

Recovering from sexual violence is complex and can take many forms, as the term “healing” may have a different meaning for every survivor. But one thing’s for sure, when it comes to moving forward, survivors need to learn how to hold space for both their pain and the beauty of their resilience. 

A survivor experiences waves of emotions — often a mixture of different feelings all at once. Some feelings include hopelessness, surrender, heartbreak, and grief. Still, despite the blanket of despair, there is always a stream of love and gratitude that makes its way through the cracks and broken pieces. 

Though getting the latter may be quite challenging, it’s known that self-care practices, transformational energy healing, and coaching balances and centres the survivor’s mind and body, allowing them to find the gems in their innermost spaces and experiences. 

Breathing In Self-Compassion

One of the things healing and coaching teaches survivors is self-compassion and how it demands to be felt. With that being said, the process of learning self-compassion emerges in an organic and non-linear way, which often tests our patience, faith, and acceptance. 

There are numerous ways to practice self-compassion that integrate the body, mind, and spirit. The whole practice encourages you to focus on the space that you have and forces you to identify the sources of your resilience and remember to connect your core as you tread traumatic waters. 

Some survivors get the help of coaches and transformational energy healing specialists to help them work intentionally with their bodies and minds to breathe in light, self-compassion, and home, all while gravitating towards balance. 

Remembering That Scars are Stronger Than Skin

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of “Women Who Run With The Wolves,” said, “It is good to remember that in tensile strength and ability to absorb pressure, a scar is stronger than skin.”

One gets a scar after a wound heals, so this is the perfect analogy of what it is like from healing from sexual violence. When you get hurt, you learn new lessons and take with you the pain and experience that lead you to this moment, making you see your scars as a sign of survival instead of being broken. 

However, many people still think that some wounds may never heal, and the scar will always be there. But it’s also good to note that even if the scar is visible, the scar does not provide additional pain. With coaching and healing, survivors are taught to see scars in this manner and to see scars as a sign of resilience and strength. 

Trauma and Its Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Effects

Most sexual violence survivors don’t only experience physical effects; mental and spiritual consequences are brought along with the trauma. Abuse can undoubtedly leave an impact on a survivor’s health, including chronic stress, depression, low sex drive, fatigue, and are even at high risk for heart attack.

Other obstacles that survivors face are mental and eating disorders, all of which affect the survivor’s quality of life. For this reason, coaching and energy healing can help survivors cope with these effects and find light in surviving the abuse.

Final Thought: Coaching and Energy Healing Remind You That You Are Larger Than Life

Dealing with the wounds and trauma of sexual violence is a long journey that needs constant support. With coaching and transformational energy healing, survivors are encouraged to view themselves as large and powerful, focusing on their survival on incredibly traumatic events. 

In the end, healing is a collaborative effort where the coach and the survivor work together to create a safe space where the individual can grow and, although it may take time, release their wounds’ weight and heaviness. 

How Can Paul Ramsden Help You?

If you’re looking for transformational energy healing in Leeds, reach out to Paul Ramsden. 

Paul Ramsden works with energy symptoms to help clients and survivors experience life-changing shifts in their consciousness through transformational energy healing, energy bodywork, metaphysical healing, coaching, and more. Book an appointment today!

thetahealing in leeds banner

Theta Healing is a healing method that has been put into the spotlight in recent years. Developed in 1995, ThetaHealing is practised by over half a million people globally. This spiritual phenomenon raises questions about its beginnings and how it affects a person.

This article will discuss every basic detail you need to know about ThetaHealing.

The Origin of ThetaHealing

Vianna Stibal is the creator of Thetahealing

Vianna Stibal is a well-known spiritual teacher who educates people on spiritual philosophy and meditation. Stibal created Theta Healing while undergoing her personal healing process from a leg tumour. In her own words, she describes ThetaHealing as ‘a meditation training technique utilising a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit’.

ThetaHealing centres around the mindset of focusing on the unconditional love of the Creator to do their will upon them. The term Creator is not limited to a specific religion or belief system but seems to point to any authority figure of a person with faith. 

How ThetaHealing Is Practised

ThetaHealing doesn’t abandon the need for medicine use but is taught in association with it. Vianna Stibal had witnessed her own physical healing through this philosophy, and she wished to share it with others.

Theta Healing all stems from the mind and spirit. Easing yourself of any mental, emotional and spiritual pain will also help you with your physical pain. This practice teaches you how to navigate the Gamma (Active), Beta (Alert), Alpha (Relaxed), Theta (Meditative) and Delta (Sleepy) frequencies in your brain.

Practitioners are taught to tune in to the Theta brain frequency. Since individuals have their own internal struggles that they need to address, a person may require a session or two, depending on the problem they are facing. After passing this stage and shifting their brain frequency, they will come to develop renewed beliefs and begin to heal physical issues

Another step of ThetaHealing is muscle testing, where a practitioner will scan your body to learn if you have any particular beliefs embedded. Negative thoughts and feelings can be tied to specific parts of your body. You are able to consent to this during a session or decline it.

What ThetaHealing Has to Offer

Many are sceptical of Theta Healing; the most popular question is probably why anyone should try it. This spiritual technique is presented as a key to creating changes in your life and gaining power. People who hold this philosophy near and dear to their heart preach the opportunities of being healed, enlightened and deeply relaxed. What’s highlighted most is the spiritual connection to the Creator.

Interestingly, the results of ThetaHealing have been scientifically proven to lower stress and anxiety. ThetaHealing elevates the mental clarity of a person and presents freedom, which reignites their creativity and confidence. 

There are also revelations about Theta Healing helping one to live their fullest life by providing what’s deemed to be intangibles. ThetaHealing is said to help an individual find a career, wealth, health, a soulmate and freedom from addictions or fears. It may sound too good to be true, but there are many online testimonials that claim the wonders of Theta Healing.


To summarise, Theta Healing is a healthy philosophy that strives for a state of tranquillity and meditation. It promotes living a life constantly full of healing and love.
Are you looking to begin your journey of Thetahealing in Leeds? Paul Ramsden provides hypnotherapy, which aims to introduce life-changing shifts. Make everything a possibility through transformational energy healing. Send an enquiry today!

energy healing in leeds west yorkshire

Healing touch or therapeutic touch is a healing method based on ancient healing practices. This method utilises the hand and its capacity to bring energy and help a person relax, heal, and recover from pain faster. This method aims to promote healing by restoring harmony to a person’s overall wellbeing.  

If this is your first time hearing about energy healing, here are some of the common treatments you will encounter and what they are for:

1: Craniosacral Therapy 

This non-invasive treatment uses a therapist’s hands to provide relief from various pains, such as headaches, neck pains, and other side-effects of prior health treatments. In this method, gentle pressure is applied to your head, neck, and back to remove the “blockages” that hinder your body’s normal energy flow. As a result, the process enhances your body’s ability to heal itself. 

Craniosacral therapy can help keep people’s energy continuously moving around the body. It is a healing process that is often recommended for people who experience difficult pregnancies, disturbed sleep cycles, and mood disorders. It is also known to reduce symptoms of migraines, constipation, sinus infection, scoliosis, and more.  

After the therapy, expect to feel calmer and more in-tuned with yourself.

energy healing therapies in Leeds
Healing Touch Therapy can be done sat in a chair without needing to remove any clothing.

2: Healing Touch

This energy therapy is based on the belief that every living thing on earth possesses energy. When a patient is not in their best condition, their energy is not flowing correctly.

In this healing method, the healing practitioner will ask you to lay on a massage table, or simply sit in a chair, for an energy assessment. Because your energy extends beyond your skin, the healing touch practitioner can feel and interact with it. 

From there, the practitioner will learn what to do to keep your energy levels balanced. They will begin to manipulate the flow of energy in your body using touch and hand movements. 

This healing technique is often used to complement other healing practices, such as medication, in-home care, and other therapies. The session can help calm and reduce a patient’s anxiety, stress, depression, or pain, thereby improving their quality of life and sense of wellbeing.

3: Magnetic Therapy

This healing therapy relies on magnets as tools to help treat conditions. This method is based on the belief that the body and earth have electromagnetic fields that need to be well-balanced for positive effects. When this balance is off, magnets that contain energy fields can help rebalance the field. During this rebalancing process, the organs and cells in the body are also healed. 

The therapy uses strong metal magnets placed on top of your body as you lay down on the massage bed for hours. The treatment duration depends on your body’s needs. This session is usually used to help treat health issues like injuries, depression, pain, joint problems, and migraines.


People use various energy healing techniques for different purposes, but most of them intend to become healthy in all aspects of their lives, including being at peace with themselves. Some health professionals believe that healing treatment can be a useful accompaniment to other health practices.

Are you interested in trying these healing touch techniques? Paul Ramsden can help you with your spiritual healing needs. He is known for effectively cleansing negative energy from people’s bodies and helping them shift this energy towards life-changing effects. Contact him today to book a session