Tag Archives: hypnotherapy for depression leeds

3 signs of depression

Depression can become so overwhelming and debilitating that it can be almost impossible to function. Completing simple, everyday tasks like bathing and eating become too much to bear against the sheer weight of depression, which often feels like a hopeless pit in your stomach or like an elephant is sitting on your chest. 

The worst part about depression is that it doesn’t discriminate. Even if you seem like a person who “has it all” and with everything anyone could want, you can still suffer from crippling despair and sadness, like how healthy people can still find themselves with terminal illnesses. Fortunately, there are many ways to help deal with depression, with hypnotherapy being a practical solution available to anyone who needs it. 

Here are the common causes of depression and how hypnotherapy can help you overcome them:

  1. Feelings of Unworthiness
depression and unworthiness
Depression often leads to feelings of being unworthy and not being good enough.

Feeling like you don’t deserve your good fortune or your dreams and desires often leads to depression. Thanks to the Internet, we are more exposed to other people’s accomplishments, and we pay particularly more attention to those who look like they’re doing much better than we are. As a result, we feel pressured to do more and be more because, as we are, we aren’t enough.

The truth is that even the most revered, beautiful celebrities have suffered from having to look perfect all the time, especially women. Like Rita Hayworth and Ava Gardner, who were renowned for their allure and beauty, well-loved icons have all chosen to live life away from the spotlight because of the sheer pressure of maintaining a perfect façade. Actors and athletes feel the same pressure as well, believing that they need to ‘keep performing’ to continue the charade of constantly feeling happy and ‘having it all.’

However, hypnotherapy can help you address these beliefs by guiding you through your thought process and uncovering why you don’t believe you are worthy enough. By untangling your thought patterns and sifting the negative from the positive, you’ll eventually realise that you are, indeed, deserving of everything you want, even your wildest dreams. By addressing the root of the matter, you can gain the confidence you need to get up and pursue your goals and live the life you’ve always wanted.

  1. Adhering to Other People’s Ideals of Happiness

Until recently, the popular notion of happiness involved having a partner, children, material wealth, and a successful career. However, the path to these is often lined with making choices that sometimes do not make you feel comfortable. As a result, you may ignore your inner thirst for goals like establishing yourself as an interior designer, a music producer, or a football star in favour of more traditional pathways, like getting into corporate finance. After all, that’s what you’ve been told is the key to success, right?

trying to please others depression
Trying to please others means diminishing your own needs and desires.

However, not following your heart’s desire and adhering to society’s ideals of happiness has been proven to make you feel miserable. Many people have reported feeling depressed because they did not pursue the career they knew they were meant for, causing them to suppress their love for things that genuinely make them happy. However, by seeing a hypnotherapist, you can undo the beliefs that made you think that there was no other way to be happy than by following society’s ideals. Working with a professional will help you unpack the thoughts and perspectives that hold you back from what you truly want to do, allowing you to live a life without regrets.

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyles

Regularly consuming junk food and staying sedentary is not only bad for your physical wellbeing, but your mental health as well. Unfortunately, depression can lead you into a vicious cycle, where it becomes too difficult to take care of yourself, so you allow your physical health and hygiene to deteriorate. However, it’s essential to realise that you are always in control of what you eat, think, and do, no matter how impossible it may seem.

What you put into your body directly affects how you feel, and hypnotherapy can help you make healthier choices to improve your overall wellbeing. It can change your views and perspectives, helping you believe that exercising regularly, taking care of yourself, and eating the right foods will allow you to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.


Depression is a widespread phenomenon affecting millions of people worldwide, which means that you likely know a few people who have grappled with it. However, by understanding its typical causes and seeing a hypnotherapist to help you recover, you can clear negative energy and put yourself on the right path to living a life you love.
Paul Ramsden specialises in energy healing in Leeds, helping people overcome their fears, anxieties, and depression through hypnotherapy. He works with his patients’ energy symptoms, enabling them to experience life-changing shifts in their consciousness. Schedule an appointment with him today to change your life!