Tag Archives: Theta healing Leeds

Looking at Anxiety

Looking at anxiety can cause a lot of confusion for many people, as the way we are told it exists often isn’t true. Instead of telling you the same things that you’ve probably heard a million times before, I’m going to show you some concepts that have really helped my clients.

Once you understand anxiety this way, it will change the way that you look at anxiety forever.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is basically part of our natural protection mechanisms. When we are in a situation that presents us with a threat or a danger, our natural systems alert us to this so that we can take action (or not). We are supposed to feel anxiety in certain situations. It is a natural feeling that has helped us and our ancestors to stay alive.

The problems with anxiety happen when this natural protection system becomes over-sensitive or is being fired in situations where there isn’t really a threat or a danger. If you are in a safe place and nothing is threatening you or your safety then there is no logical reason for you to feel anxious. Your subconscious mind and body don’t do logic though. Only your conscious mind deals in logic and this can be where some of the issues start.

Mind's different ways of looking at anxiety
The conscious mind and the subconscious mind have different ways of looking at anxiety

A Conscious Way of Looking at Anxiety

When your conscious mind is looking at anxiety, it has to rationalise and make sense of it. It needs everything to be logical and ordered to understand. Whilst your conscious mind has the power to dive deep into complex understandings in order to find answers, it doesn’t understand how the body and subconscious mind are operating.

You have a feeling in your body (let’s call it anxiety) and your conscious mind wants to know why the feeling is there. It scans the environment looking for threats and dangers but can’t find any. It then gets frustrated and starts scanning backwards and forwards in time looking for what happened to you in the past.

“When did you last feel like this?”

Transderivational Searching

This process is known as….you guessed it…transderivational searching. Your mind scans back to times in the past that could be related to something you are dealing with in the present moment. It finds an event and gathers the information from that event. It then looks at the future potential outcomes related to where you are now and what could possibly happen in order to rationalise the feeling. It then starts to make stories (often with images) about how things could play out for you.

This then continues the initial feeling of anxiety you had and can also make it feel stronger than it initially was. A feeling on its own can’t last for very long. It needs the conscious mind to fuel it with stories in order to keep it going. Well done conscious mind. You’ve now taken a small feeling and turned that molehill into a giant mountain.

A Subconscious and Body Integrated Approach to Anxiety

The subconscious mind and your body are integrated as one. They both work together very well. While the conscious mind likes to pretend it is in charge of everything, it really isn’t. Everything starts in the subconscious and body then the conscious mind jumps in and creates thoughts to match what is already happening.

Your body and subconscious mind notice a feeling in the body and are more like…

“Oh there’s a feeling”

Now your subconscious can be much more abstract when it comes to reasoning and the storing of memories. It is much more based on feelings than logic. It will sometimes connect a bunch of memories together based on how you felt. Imagine a set of children’s blocks standing on top of one another. The bottom block is the first time your body held onto that feeling and each block up is each time it has held onto that feeling or a similar one that it has put in the same box as the initial one.

body stores unresolved feelings
Your body will tend to store unresolved feelings

Why Does The Body Store Past Negative Feelings

Your body will store negative feelings when you have been through an experience and the issues weren’t resolved. Now, it isn’t always necessary for you to release every negative feeling as it happens. Sometimes you have to go away and think about it. Sometimes you need to learn something in order to release the feeling. Sometimes you need to be able to forgive or let go in order for the feeling to release. Sometimes it can be that your mind believes that the feeling is too much for you to handle so it locks it down in the body. Simply allowing the feeling to come up and experiencing it in its entirety can often be enough to release it.

What Are Negative Feelings?

The straightforward answer is that there are no such things as negative feelings. There are just feelings. Once you can grasp this concept, life will become so much easier for you. The negative feelings are often showing you what you need to work on and resolve from your past. If you are going through grief or loss then you need to feel that in its entirety. If you don’t then you’ll end up with a trapped emotion inside of you causing you issues.

People refer to negative feelings or emotions as the ones that they don’t want to feel.

  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Hurt
  • Jealousy
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Loss

There is nothing at all wrong with these emotions. In their proper place, they are there to guide us and help us to do what we need to do. They can lead us out of where we are and into where we need to be. When you can love depression as much as you do happiness and joy, life will open so many more doors for you.

where does anxiety come from
All “negative” or “bad” feelings are rooted in the past

How Our Present Anxiety is Rooted In The Past

So you have a feeling inside of you that your mind has labelled as anxiety. This feeling has a birthing point. A time when it was first experienced by you. The unresolved feeling always stays at the same age as when it was created. If you first experienced anxiety at 5, each time that you feel it in the future, you will go back to having the coping mechanisms of a 5-year-old in order to deal with the situation that you are currently in.

Imagine trying to deal with being anxious as a 5-year old. At that age, you have very limited skills and are in no way as skilled as you are now. Yet this is what happens to you every time that you experience anxiety.

Imagine for a moment that you have a brand new computer. When you get it out of the box and start it up everything works beautifully. You install some software onto it to perform certain tasks and these too work really well. Imagine how well that computer would run if you didn’t update the software on it for 5 years. Now imagine not updating it for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years even.

This is how your mind and body are running when it comes to those unresolved emotions. You are literally running without those out of date and buggy programs causing issues in your life. Some issues you will be aware of and some issues you won’t be. Isn’t it about time you gave yourself an upgrade? You’re worth that, right?

Looking at Anxiety Upgrades for Your Body and Mind

In order to receive these upgrades, we have to start looking at anxiety and where it comes from for you. We need to bring the adult self and help the child self to release the old feeling. Whatever it is that needs to be altered for you to release the old programs we will do. We look at what needs to be put into place for you to be able to change how you perceive that feeling in the future.

Remember, there is no such thing as a bad feeling and anxiety in its true form is there to keep us safe. We never look at getting rid of something that is there to keep us safe. We just learn how to use it correctly. Think dialling down that over-sensitive car alarm so that it can tell the difference between a bus going past and someone trying to break into your car.

Looking at Anxiety and How it Could Be Affecting Your Life

Here is a great video for you to watch about various scenarios of how anxiety could be affecting your life. It can really help you to have a different way of looking at anxiety.

Are You Ready to Receive Your Upgrades?

If you have had enough of your thoughts and feelings being in control of you and you are ready to take back control I’m here. We can work together to release the old buggy programs that have been causing you issues and bring in the new programs that can help you to feel much safer, more peaceful, grounded, centred and balanced than ever before.

You can either tap here to go to the contact page or you can give me a call or text on 07932 618988.

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Muscle testing is a great way for you to be able to bypass the critical thinking part of your mind and go deeper into the subconscious to find those answers that you are looking for.
Sometimes we do or say things that we know that we shouldn’t do. You can muscle test to find out what is driving your subconscious mind.

somatic therapy leeds west yorkshire uk

Somatic therapy is a body orientated approach to mind-body healing. By looking at where the trauma is being stored in your body and releasing it, you are able to see quicker, positive jumps forward in your mental health and wellbeing.

thetahealing in leeds banner

Theta Healing is a healing method that has been put into the spotlight in recent years. Developed in 1995, ThetaHealing is practised by over half a million people globally. This spiritual phenomenon raises questions about its beginnings and how it affects a person.

This article will discuss every basic detail you need to know about ThetaHealing.

The Origin of ThetaHealing

Vianna Stibal is the creator of Thetahealing

Vianna Stibal is a well-known spiritual teacher who educates people on spiritual philosophy and meditation. Stibal created Theta Healing while undergoing her personal healing process from a leg tumour. In her own words, she describes ThetaHealing as ‘a meditation training technique utilising a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit’.

ThetaHealing centres around the mindset of focusing on the unconditional love of the Creator to do their will upon them. The term Creator is not limited to a specific religion or belief system but seems to point to any authority figure of a person with faith. 

How ThetaHealing Is Practised

ThetaHealing doesn’t abandon the need for medicine use but is taught in association with it. Vianna Stibal had witnessed her own physical healing through this philosophy, and she wished to share it with others.

Theta Healing all stems from the mind and spirit. Easing yourself of any mental, emotional and spiritual pain will also help you with your physical pain. This practice teaches you how to navigate the Gamma (Active), Beta (Alert), Alpha (Relaxed), Theta (Meditative) and Delta (Sleepy) frequencies in your brain.

Practitioners are taught to tune in to the Theta brain frequency. Since individuals have their own internal struggles that they need to address, a person may require a session or two, depending on the problem they are facing. After passing this stage and shifting their brain frequency, they will come to develop renewed beliefs and begin to heal physical issues

Another step of ThetaHealing is muscle testing, where a practitioner will scan your body to learn if you have any particular beliefs embedded. Negative thoughts and feelings can be tied to specific parts of your body. You are able to consent to this during a session or decline it.

What ThetaHealing Has to Offer

Many are sceptical of Theta Healing; the most popular question is probably why anyone should try it. This spiritual technique is presented as a key to creating changes in your life and gaining power. People who hold this philosophy near and dear to their heart preach the opportunities of being healed, enlightened and deeply relaxed. What’s highlighted most is the spiritual connection to the Creator.

Interestingly, the results of ThetaHealing have been scientifically proven to lower stress and anxiety. ThetaHealing elevates the mental clarity of a person and presents freedom, which reignites their creativity and confidence. 

There are also revelations about Theta Healing helping one to live their fullest life by providing what’s deemed to be intangibles. ThetaHealing is said to help an individual find a career, wealth, health, a soulmate and freedom from addictions or fears. It may sound too good to be true, but there are many online testimonials that claim the wonders of Theta Healing.


To summarise, Theta Healing is a healthy philosophy that strives for a state of tranquillity and meditation. It promotes living a life constantly full of healing and love.
Are you looking to begin your journey of Thetahealing in Leeds? Paul Ramsden provides hypnotherapy, which aims to introduce life-changing shifts. Make everything a possibility through transformational energy healing. Send an enquiry today!

energy healing in leeds west yorkshire

Healing touch or therapeutic touch is a healing method based on ancient healing practices. This method utilises the hand and its capacity to bring energy and help a person relax, heal, and recover from pain faster. This method aims to promote healing by restoring harmony to a person’s overall wellbeing.  

If this is your first time hearing about energy healing, here are some of the common treatments you will encounter and what they are for:

1: Craniosacral Therapy 

This non-invasive treatment uses a therapist’s hands to provide relief from various pains, such as headaches, neck pains, and other side-effects of prior health treatments. In this method, gentle pressure is applied to your head, neck, and back to remove the “blockages” that hinder your body’s normal energy flow. As a result, the process enhances your body’s ability to heal itself. 

Craniosacral therapy can help keep people’s energy continuously moving around the body. It is a healing process that is often recommended for people who experience difficult pregnancies, disturbed sleep cycles, and mood disorders. It is also known to reduce symptoms of migraines, constipation, sinus infection, scoliosis, and more.  

After the therapy, expect to feel calmer and more in-tuned with yourself.

energy healing therapies in Leeds
Healing Touch Therapy can be done sat in a chair without needing to remove any clothing.

2: Healing Touch

This energy therapy is based on the belief that every living thing on earth possesses energy. When a patient is not in their best condition, their energy is not flowing correctly.

In this healing method, the healing practitioner will ask you to lay on a massage table, or simply sit in a chair, for an energy assessment. Because your energy extends beyond your skin, the healing touch practitioner can feel and interact with it. 

From there, the practitioner will learn what to do to keep your energy levels balanced. They will begin to manipulate the flow of energy in your body using touch and hand movements. 

This healing technique is often used to complement other healing practices, such as medication, in-home care, and other therapies. The session can help calm and reduce a patient’s anxiety, stress, depression, or pain, thereby improving their quality of life and sense of wellbeing.

3: Magnetic Therapy

This healing therapy relies on magnets as tools to help treat conditions. This method is based on the belief that the body and earth have electromagnetic fields that need to be well-balanced for positive effects. When this balance is off, magnets that contain energy fields can help rebalance the field. During this rebalancing process, the organs and cells in the body are also healed. 

The therapy uses strong metal magnets placed on top of your body as you lay down on the massage bed for hours. The treatment duration depends on your body’s needs. This session is usually used to help treat health issues like injuries, depression, pain, joint problems, and migraines.


People use various energy healing techniques for different purposes, but most of them intend to become healthy in all aspects of their lives, including being at peace with themselves. Some health professionals believe that healing treatment can be a useful accompaniment to other health practices.

Are you interested in trying these healing touch techniques? Paul Ramsden can help you with your spiritual healing needs. He is known for effectively cleansing negative energy from people’s bodies and helping them shift this energy towards life-changing effects. Contact him today to book a session

ts core issues as a means to stimulate emotional healing. If you have PTSD or have experienced life-altering trauma, pairing counselling, and other treatments with chakra healing are the backbone of cleansing negative energy.

What is a Chakra?

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

As part of the energy-healing process, chakras pertain to the body’s centre. They run from your tailbone to the crown of your head, and in front of your spine. Though invisible to the naked eye, chakras make up a vital component of the body’s energy field.

As part of a spiritual healing method, the chakra aims to balance an individual’s physical and emotional well-being. When you encounter a traumatic experience, it can impact all seven chakras, which you’ll learn about below.

  1. Muladhara, the Root Chakra

The root chakra exists in the perineum—the tip of your tailbone. After a traumatic experience, your root chakra may undergo instability regarding grounding, primal energy, survival, safety, and security. When you address this part of the body, you encourage your will to survive.

  1. Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra

This chakra pertains to sexuality, relationships, pleasure, and creativity. It will sometimes overlap the root chakra at the womb or sacrum. Sexual abuse may shut this chakra down, leaving you to question the ability to desire another individual lovingly.

  1. Manipura, the Solar Plexus

This third chakra located near the stomach hones inner strength, vitality, self-control, and assertiveness. After a bout of trauma, you might find it challenging to establish boundaries. Healing the solar plexus restores control and power.

  1. Anahata, the Heart Chakra

Naturally, the heart chakra pertains to feelings of love, along with compassion, forgiveness, and self-esteem. If you have experienced a history of abuse, you might relate feelings of love with distress, shame, and pain.

Thus, healing Anahata allows individuals to establish a sense of love without pain and become open to trust and affection.

  1. Visuddha, the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is home to expression, communication, and speech. Damage to Visuddha can leave individuals feeling strangled or suffocated, and incapable of saying.

Alternatively, a healthy throat chakra enables open honesty and promotes active listening.

  1. Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra

Located between the brows, Ajna associates with intuition, vision, insight, and psychic awareness (ESP). Traumatised individuals might only predict adverse outcomes and perceive every threat. Furthermore, they will question their intuition.

Exercise this chakra via healing therapy to correct and expand your field of vision, simultaneously eliminating emotional threats.

  1. Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra

This final chakra is located on the crown of your head and connects individuals with a higher consciousness or inspiration. Perhaps the most spiritual chakra among all seven, damage to Sahasrara may leave an individual feeling disconnected from reality and their spiritual selves. As such, getting better re-establishes a sense of connectedness and ability to cope.


Negative emotions are energy-draining, disrupting vibrational frequencies. By clearing these energies, you learn to come to terms with traumatic events, regardless of how long your unique process takes. Begin your spiritual healing journey with Paul Ramsden, a fully-qualified hypnotherapist with expertise in challenging anxiety and depression. Book a group or online one-on-one session an unburden yourself with a transformation energy healing session that will leave a profound effect on your spiritual self.

Metaphysical Energy Healing in Leeds, West Yorkshire

Metaphysical healing is a holistic, whole body type of healing. The body isn’t an entity that operates on its own. In fact, a lot of what the body feels and does is subject to what the mind and soul drive it to do. Cleansing negative energy from one’s life is a process that requires spiritual guidance and lots of healing. Throughout a person’s life, there will be plenty of experiences that build up traumas and pains, which ultimately carry on to future endeavours if not addressed promptly.

Metaphysical healing for body, mind and soul
Metaphysical healing works on your body. mind and soul.

Living in the UK is rather gloomy at specific times of the year, and many people can experience the pains and anxieties of living in such expensive environments that are hard to sustain. These difficulties make energy healing in Leeds popular due to its ability to reconnect the entire metaphysical system of a person.

Metaphysical Healing

Also known as intuitive healing, this is a process that reconnects and strengthens the relationship between human emotions and the physical body of a person. Through a process of cleansing negative energy, a person’s energy levels will boost, resulting in fewer discomforts and illnesses caused by hurt and traumas. It is an elastic and accessible field, which can be quickly addressed by a healer.

Human minds are mighty and often offer the key to access the various elements of this process. Initially finding the right mindset to tackle the spiritual healing process can be challenging, but a healer can help guide anyone to find their best flow of energy.

How Energy Healing Works

Metaphysical healing is used to clear blockages in your chakras
Metaphysical healing works with your chakras to clear blockages and free up your energy. Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

The human body is said to possess energy sites that come in what are called “chakras.” These are located in the energy fields of a person and exude a special aura that glows around a person’s body. Spiritual healers can see this aura and identify what a person is like based on their guide. Various personalities from different cultures practically utilise intuitive healing, such as shamans, Reiki practitioners, and other kinds of modern-day gifted healers. This process allows the energies to flow healthily through a person’s body through their spinal column, and act as the overall energy pattern towards improved wellbeing.

Cleansing negative energy is the first step to feeling better, and many know this to be true. When life is shrouded in stress and discomfort, the chances are that energetic chakras are affected and can experience entrapment by emotional wounds. Mindsets that prevent a person from moving forward are also affected by trapped chakras and vice versa. Today’s world thinks less of the concept of human bodily energies and are more focused on the fast-paced nature of life. When people have a free-flowing mind, body and spirit connection, the chakras can make daily life less of a burden. Each of the seven chakras has a link to specific emotion and organ set, and ensuring that each is fluid in motion will make for a more comfortable life.

Why Energy Levels Are Important

Various chakras have their respective links to the way humans live daily life. An example is in the fifth chakra, which is where the concept of voice and breathing comes into play. Chakra five allows energy to work with the lungs, diaphragm, ears, breathing, and other components used to speak and listen. Any negative energies that fill the communicative process with sorrows or grief settle at the site of this chakra and affect it significantly.

When these are not resolved promptly, they can compromise the vital signs of the respiratory system and affect its functionality. Warning signs will appear, and taking these into account will assist in helping free the chakras through seeing a healer that will help with cleansing negative energy forms.


The human body is incredible, and the mind that drives it is even more of a mysterious force. Energies fuel the body and give the ability to conduct daily tasks with positivity and good vibrations. Whenever anything is wrong with the chakra flows, this often shows and bleeds into many areas of life.

Paul Ramsden conducts energy healing in Leeds, UK for people who are experiencing impasses and adjustments in life. Through the transformation of energy and the expulsion of negativity, metaphysical healing is possible and will assist with overall vitality and wellbeing. Contact Paul Ramsden to learn more about the chakra flows of the human body.

Energy Healing to Manage Depression

If you’re dealing with negative emotions right now, and it’s too overwhelming to allow you to function properly and live your life, you can consider seeking the help of an energy worker. They work to guide people with depression in understanding their feelings in a different light—including their fears and the reasons behind them.

An energy worker helps clear negative energy by allowing you to see a new perspective of yourself, bringing out some qualities you may have never noticed about yourself. They utilise various energy healing methods to let you experience your life from another place and give you a better understanding of your life pulse.

What is a Life Pulse?

Life Pulse Energy Waves

A life pulse is what you call the waves of energy that your body produces and accepts. All living things inhale and exhale air and energy, which you need to continue your journey in life. When you breathe, your body expands, allowing positive energy to seep in with every second that you decide to live.

But when negative thoughts start to cloud your mind, you begin to feel a contraction, constricting you from living your life to the fullest—which could often be overlooked for depression. However, contraction is also the combination of everything you decided to take in with expansion!

When you feel a contraction, it’s the time when your body teaches you to be stronger. It helps people expand even more by consuming more information and experiencing more emotions.

Using the Tablework Method

Tablework is a method done by an energy worker, instructing a patient to lie down on a massage table while bundled up with clothes and warm blankets to achieve maximum comfort. It involves removing negative energy by giving you the time to take deep breaths and relax.

Your energy field—including your chakra and hara—will be touched during tablework, giving the energy worker the power to open your mind to your feelings and past experiences. It is a session that requires total focus to eliminate signs of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Energy Field

According to Eastern medicine and religions that have been studying energy for centuries, all living things on earth give off their own energy field. The field is often known as your aura. This power that humans have keeps everything you think, do, say, and feel ever since you were born.

Similar to your chakras, your energy field contains images, beliefs, traumas, and fears that have happened throughout your life. Your energy field is divided into layers that can be negatively affected based on what you go through while you’re alive.


Aura energy healing leeds

Your chakra is an energy vortex that comes in various forms and offers multiple purposes. They attract energy from the environment around you and have the ability to release energy inside you. Chakras play an essential role in keeping you healthy, as they are assigned to the organs in your body.

You can gather information from your surroundings with the help of your chakras. They help you process your emotions and thoughts and hold all the ideas and images you’ve conjured since birth. If your chakras become distorted, your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are affected.


When you are depressed, it may feel like you will never see the light of day and you’ll always be stuck in a dark place. All your negative thoughts and emotions will continue to pull you down and prevent you from being happy.

That’s why it’s an energy worker’s job to use hara to help you develop positive intentions, thoughts, and actions. They can divert the positivity to your physical body and mind to prevent you from falling back to your negative habits. It allows you to stay in the present and be more aware of what’s happening to you and your surroundings.


An energy worker strives to eliminate all the unwanted emotions that you’re prepared to give up in exchange for a happier and healthier life. They can help in cleansing your negative energy to make way for the positive. They focus on assisting people in understanding how their life pulse works and initiate a tablework method to encourage energy healing. Through your energy field, chakra, and hara, an energy worker can prepare you to allow joy, bliss, and positive energy in and help heal your body, mind, and soul.

Are you looking for spiritual healing in Leeds to help you recover from depression? Paul Ramsden is dedicated to guiding clients with energy symptoms by giving you life-changing solutions through energy healing, energy body work, metaphysical healing, and coaching. Get in touch today to schedule an appointment!