February 12, 2017

I have been working with Paul with my emotional shutdown. I was surprised and amazed by his powerful intuition and sense of knowing. He has been of great support and has helped me see a shift. I would highly recommend working with him to experience the magic yourself.

February 12, 2017

My boyfriend used to ring Paul and discuss about me to Paul.  I finally took the step to book 4 sessions with Paul.  I was so nervous.  Paul is the most remarkable hypnotist.  Paul eased me into the sessions we had together and sorted me out step by step.  I am now a different woman, free from the voices and my personality disorder and a lot more confident.   We worked together well.  Paul has done in four weeks what my psychologist has been trying to do in ten years. *

Many thanks Paul,

Glen & Jane

February 12, 2017

Hi Paul,

I am emailing you to say thank you so much for your help. I cannot believe how different i feel all my mind feels free from all the clutter that was there before. Friday i just enjoyed feeling good. Then Saturday morning i got up at 8.30(didn’t used to get up till 11am) did all my cleaning then i got the bus to our Asda by myself it is quite far  away and got myself a new outfit. Then I got on another bus and went to the Arndale Centre where I met my Niece for coffee in her lunch hour (she nearly collapsed when saw me she said you look so alive) then I came home  and made the tea. Chilled out for a bit then I got ready and went out to the local pub and had the best time ever. My four friends and my other Niece and her boyfriend could not believe how happy and alive I was. I have continued to feel like this ever since, like now I am going to pick my Granddaughter up from school and take her for her tea, she will be so surprised she is only 6, she has never met this Nana.

I cannot thank you enough.

Yours Gratefully

Ann Bellhouse, Leeds

February 12, 2017

I have found life coaching with Paul an enjoyable experience  –  Paul has helped me to focus on the points in my life that I felt needed most attention and gave me the freedom to explore areas that were of most importance. Paul’s calm presence allowed me to open up, get to the root of certain issues and tackle them face on. Paul made me see that the negative thinking into which I had almost trained myself could be reversed by applying simple but hugely effective techniques.  Now I find myself looking at life with a different perspective.  What Paul has done is shown me the way to a life of self improvement that I could not have found without him.

February 12, 2017

Working with Paul not only changed my relationships at work but also helped me to create a stronger bridge with my own family

February 12, 2017

Thank you so much for yesterday Paul.  I’m still so impressed we managed to make so much progress.  I’m so much better today than I have been in years, thank you so much *

February 12, 2017

I think my future after Hypno Slimming has changed and my attitude towards food has changed for the better.  I have definitely found a liking for water.

I will continue to use hypnosis as a way of relaxing.  I would recommend Paul and Hypno Slimming to my friends, family and clients.

Thank you!  Kate x