Metaphysics - Exploring the nature of the mind

The metaphysical is what lies beyond the tangible and pertains to emotions we feel profoundly but cannot measure. Mysterious and incalculable, the metaphysical can play a leading role in your journey towards healing. By embracing the truest parts of oneself, achieving the highest good is just within reach. If you’re considering hypnotherapy, there are more than a few ways you can immerse yourself in the metaphysical.

Beyond Deja Vu: Past Life Regression

deja vu

Suppose you’re visiting a place for the first time yet experience an acutely visceral response. Do you feel you may be struggling with something not rooted in this lifetime? Are you connecting with something or someone beyond this incarnation?

Through past life regression, you can come to terms with traumatic experiences and access memories hidden deep within the subconscious mind. Past life regression is hardly literal. Despite the insinuations, it aims to uncover intense, unexplainable connections and allows you to explore unresolved emotions that may cause emotional stress.

Spiritual Guidance: Kemetic Reiki

Most sacred sciences and medicine originated in Ancient Egypt, formerly known as Kemet. Energy healing through the use of crystals, sound therapy, and other elements have stood the test of time. Contemporarily, healing rites work to balance and align the mind, body and spirit.

Kemetic Reiki is useful in instances of lacking motivation, experiencing spiritual or mental blocks, or not feeling grounded.

Your Skype hypnotherapist will harness Sekhem, the universal life force, to harmonise your chakras and repair damage to the auric field.

Archetypal Therapeutic Imagery

The subconscious mind communicates visually. In their purest forms, archetypes are elemental and make up the building blocks of people. Unlocking transformational gateways to one’s highest purpose through imagery serve as facilitators to healing, insight, and release.

Saying Goodbye: Cord-Cutting

cord cutting
Cord cutting can be a very powerful way of letting go of past connections

The end of a relationship doesn’t mean it’s “over.” Sometimes, remnants of it will haunt you, causing you to enter a cycle of toxic and draining connections. If you’re seeking romantic love, you don’t want to carry baggage into your next relationship.

Energetic cord-cutting can help you reclaim power over past entanglements and stop recreating patterns that you’re hoping to break. The approach is loving and helps to restore vibrational autonomy.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Tapping is a method of psychological acupressure. Accessing your natural energy meridian while keeping attention to a specific issue can relieve you of addictions, pain, trauma, and stress.

Despite its simplicity, emotional freedom techniques are empowering and impactful. You can craft a new mantra per session, focusing energy on the present moment.


Not every illness is physical, nor are they tangible. Anxiety can manifest in a dozen different ways and can be challenging to overcome. Through hypnotherapy and transformational energy healing, you access the body’s natural stress-relieving mechanisms in a safe and trusted space.

Paul Ramsden can help you to learn to become one with your subconscious mind and mitigate painful truths. Through Skypenosis, you can receive treatment from anywhere in the world. Your healing journey need not start in Leeds. Give us a call and receive a free consultation—the expedition begins by picking up the phone.

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