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Muscle testing is a reliable diagnostic tool that is often used in alternative medicine such as energy healing and Theta Healing. I use it with clients as a diagnostic technique rather than using random guessing.

Muscle testing comes from kinesiology and particularly under the umbrella of the applied kinesiology field. It is most well know from the book Power vs Force by David Hawkins. The applied kinesiology muscle test used within that book is a form of manual muscle testing techniques. This is often used in clinical practice where the practitioner applies pressure to the arm of the patient for muscle tests. This applied kinesiology technique tests for muscle strength and muscle weakness and imbalances around illness, diseases, belief issues, allergies and various health decisions.

Is Muscle Testing Real?

Yes, muscle testing is a very real and easy way for you to connect to your subconscious and your energy system. You can use it to check for hidden beliefs in your subconscious mind and your body. It is very simple to do and the more that you practise it, the quicker and clearer your answers will come through.

How Muscle Testing Works

When the body is in balance and happy your muscles feel strong. When there is fear, pain, resistance, poor mental health, self-doubt or worry the body reacts differently and your muscles feel weak. When you agree to something subconsciously your muscle strength is higher than when you disagree. When your subconscious mind disagrees it will make your body and your muscles feel weak.

Muscle testing is like the bridge between your conscious and your subconscious mind. Just because you consciously know something to be wrong for you or you disagree with it, doesn’t mean that your subconscious mind agrees.

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Muscle testing helps practitioners to find subconscious issues and blocks

Muscle Testing With a Practitioner

When practitioners do a muscle test, they will often start off by getting a base reading for how you muscle test. After saying each line the practitioner will push down on your outstretched arm while you try to resist. This is the calibration stage and I will tend to use these examples with a client or patient:

  • Say “YES” out loud 3 times and test
  • Say “NO” out loud 3 times and test
  • Say “MY NAME IS ..(INSERT NAME)..”
  • Think about someone or something you love
  • Think about someone or something you don’t like

What should happen during this muscle testing calibration is that when it is a positive response or agree, your arm muscle should be strong. When you have a negative response or disagree, your arm muscle should show a weak response and be able to be moved. If you test weak for all answers you might be dehydrated. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be hydrated before a Thetahealing session. The Theta Healing process, as well as any energy healing work, can be very dehydrating on the body.

Muscle Testing as a Diagnostic Tool

Muscle weakness shows us as much as strength does when it comes to using applied kinesiology. The differences help me as a practitioner to diagnose where to go with your treatment. It can be a fast way to pull beliefs, negative energies and trapped emotions that are stored in the body. You can ask questions to your subconscious mind and use muscle testing to help you to clear the issue that you are trying to work on. You can check parts of your body for informational purposes and ask if particular organs have a trapped emotion or belief inside of it for instance. By diagnosing in this way, you are able to systematically resolve past issues that are affecting your everyday life.

You might have a health issue that you are looking to resolve. Practitioners will be able to use an applied kinesiology muscle testing technique with you to find the root of the issue and be able to muscle test with you to find a solution.

How Can I Manual Muscle Test Myself?

Self-Muscle testing yourself is another option available to you. When I am working with clients I will sometimes get them to muscle test themselves so that they can check that a particular belief or issue has gone. It is a good idea to have experience of a particular therapy or knowledge of techniques before treating yourself. Here are some options for you to try out a self-muscle test and see which techniques you prefer.

The Sway Test Technique

Stand up with your feet together, arms by your sides and your eyes closed. Say “YES, YES, YES” and you should sway forwards. Say “NO, NO, NO” and you should sway backwards. If you aren’t testing correctly try drinking water. If you are testing opposite after drinking water then just go with that.

Once you have calibrated your muscle testing, you are ready to move on to diagnosis and start asking questions. Most people find this diagnostic technique the easiest as you are working with your own muscles and energy system.

Your body will sway when you muscle test it

Muscle Tests on Your Wrist

Another way that you can get an answer to your questions is to muscle test on your own wrist. Similar to the technique used by practitioners with clients, you will be putting your less dominant hand over your dominant wrist. You then push down on your wrist while resisting to get your own self-diagnosis.

Using Your Finger and Thumb

This is another simple diagnosis technique from applied kinesiology that you can use on yourself. I use this one a lot as I can do it while sitting in a chair in a trance state and find the effectiveness to be exactly the same as the sway technique above. There really is no difference when tested in therapy sessions.

This example involves putting the thumb and index finger from each hand together and interlocking them. You then test by trying to pull your closed fingers and thumbs through each other. I will post a video on muscle testing below to show you how to use each technique.

When you test true, your fingers will hold together. If there is an imbalance, your fingers will break their clasp as you pull on them.

How Do Applied Kinesiology Practitioners Use Muscle Techniques in Treatment Sessions?

When I am working with a client, I am looking to use applied kinesiology as well as being intuitively guided to find core issues and core beliefs. I will scan the person and look at the imbalances they experience when touching on certain events or belief systems. It could be that they want to

  • uncover why they have a particular health issue
  • their mental health might be a struggle for them
  • they might want to test to see if they have allergies
  • money issues
  • clear past traumas
  • have feelings that they don’t understand like sadness for no apparent reason

Applied kinesiology is a tool to assist other therapies in where to look. It can be useful to diagnose where trapped energies are and why they are there. It can also be used to give a person insights into how to resolve the issue and keep it resolved.

The conscious mind can be bypassed using applied kinesiology
The conscious mind can be bypassed using applied kinesiology

The Conscious Mind Problem

One of the issues that most people have when trying to understand why they do what they do is understanding that there is a massive difference between conscious and subconscious actions and beliefs. You may know full well that causing issues with your partner isn’t the right thing to do. Yet, your subconscious mind will create issues anyway in order to fulfil its wants and needs. Applied kinesiology helps to bypass that critical thinking part of the brain. You are able to get past your own stuck thinking and go deep into your own “innerstanding”.

Once you’ve tested yes to something that consciously you believe should be a no response, you are then able to grasp what is going on beneath the surface. Then from there, you are able to better assess what is happening inside and look at what type of treatments are best for you. I find that when people are demonstrated on, regarding their inner beliefs, it is easier for them to free themselves from their worries and fears.

Applied kinesiology is such a simple method to use in order for you to gain more “innerstanding” and specifically target the right part of you for a healing benefit to occur. By being able to assess yourself and practise muscle tests to find answers, you can get back your own power without having to use force.

Muscle Testing Explanation Video

Watch this video to learn how to muscle test yourself

Booking a Session in Leeds, UK

If you are looking at practitioners that can help you and you live close to Leeds, you can get in touch to arrange a free consultation. We will look at where you are currently and also where you want to be. If you live too far to travel to Leeds, you can have online treatment and support via Google Meet or Skype. Online consultations are also available free of charge for all therapies.

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