Tag Archives: spiritual healing Leeds

Healing body trauma therapy Leeds

Most people associate emotional trauma with only mental wounds, believing that it doesn’t manifest physically. However, the reality is that the stress and trauma we carry in our minds often presents themselves in our bodies, even when we don’t realise it. It becomes body trauma, which requires transformational energy healing to address.

Anxiety has been on the rise since the pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world. More people feel overwhelmed and panicked at the seemingly endless amount of negative news on TV and social media. Some have even said that they have started to feel sick due to their distress. As a result, more and more people are experiencing body trauma and are at a loss with addressing it.

Understanding Body Trauma

Understanding body trauma Leeds
Your body will hold on to past traumas until they are resolved and released. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Feeling upset and scared doesn’t necessarily have to come from situations that directly affect you; mere exposure to traumatic information from the media you consume is often enough to traumatise you. Your body will be wired to anticipate and evade threats constantly, even when there aren’t any immediate ones present. This constant strain on yourself ultimately leads to body trauma. Survivors of accidents, abuse, and other tragic events have even more difficulty processing this, given their already existing trauma.

Humans are programmed to respond to danger in three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. When you experience a traumatic event, your body commits this feeling to memory, along with the defence mechanisms it has set to fight the trauma. These are kept in the chemicals in your body associated with emotions. By storing memories that contain signs of danger, your body can respond more immediately, helping you avoid threatening situations more easily. However, this fight-or-flight energy can get jammed in your body, overwhelming you and preventing you from responding correctly.

Dealing With Body Trauma Through Transformational Energy Healing

Traumatic experiences do not occur gently or slowly; a surge of strong emotions often accompanies them. While it is imperative to process these emotions healthily, such as crying, resting, or even exercising, traumatised people usually cannot act upon them. Thus, the body looks for an alternative way to express this energy, such as flashbacks or bad dreams. It can even manifest physiologically through neck pains, headaches, and other health conditions. It also affects how you think and perceive your surroundings, making you feel inappropriate guilt and causing you to deem harmless situations as dangerous.

Since trauma changes your body and rewires your brain, you are more susceptible to more trauma. For you to address this adequately, you’ll need transformational energy healing, which will help your body reconfigure its defence system. It will work to relax your body’s response and inform you that you are not in danger, so there is no need to be on high alert. We communicate to your body’s consciousness through energy healing, ensuring it receives and comprehends that it is safe and that it should ease its guard. Once your body calms down, it will be much easier to address the mental and emotional parts of trauma, particularly when determining the emotional energies your body consciousness requires to recover and feel well again.


Pursuing energy healing is a great step towards recovering from body trauma, particularly in an incredibly distressing and upsetting time. By focusing on the physiological aspect of the trauma, it will be more manageable to address the emotional and mental elements, providing you with a holistic healing method.

Paul Ramsden offers transformational energy and metaphysical healing in Leeds, working with people’s energy symptoms to help them achieve life-changing shifts in their consciousness. If you’ve been struggling with something for a long time, be sure to get in touch with me today to start transforming your life for the better.

Spiritual healing in Leeds Centre

People get traumatised for different reasons, and its effect comes in varying degrees. In the UK, trauma remains the most common cause of death for people under 40, which encouraged the government to invest in trauma centres since 2012. While these institutions did improve the statistics, there will always be people who are not comfortable declaring or talking about their conditions. As such, it is essential to provide other pathways to recovery.

Facing trauma is challenging in and of itself, let alone experiencing it on your own—which is why you will notice that trauma healing is a primary topic they commonly talk about at spiritual healing events.

Why People With Trauma Prefer Spiritual Healing

People who rely on spiritual healing do so for the following reasons: 

  • Provide Holistic Healing: Some people combine therapy with spiritual healing. They do so because spiritual healing makes them feel more wholly healed. 
  • Deeper Healing: Some people choose to engage in spiritual healing to deeply access their thoughts and feelings that they can no longer process in standard talk therapy.
  • Validation Needs: Some patients may feel invalidated by medical professionals and therapists. Therefore, they look for other ways to heal themselves.

Why Invalidation Happens in Modern Treatment

Often, invalidation happens not only in the field of modern science. Even family and friends refute or kid around the experience of the trauma victims. 

In some therapists’ eyes, spiritual healing or intuitive experiences are often seen as a disassociation process from what the patients should be facing. They see practices such as meditation, prayer, visualisation, and other forms of energy practices as a process of disassociating the self with the reality they should learn to face and forego. 

Many therapists object to specific spiritual themes that may lead to victim-blaming, such as things happening for a reason, that there is a lesson to be learned for every incident, and so on.

It could be true in some sense; however, invalidation occurs when people do not respect how others’ minds work. Everyone is different and if believing in these concepts makes them feel better about their situation, denying them of that right is truly invalidating. 

Spiritual healing can give you a deep sense of release from past wounds and traumas.

Spiritual Healing’s Role in Healing the Victims

Developing bodily awareness serves as the core of every spiritual healing for trauma survivors. Understanding how their body feels for any modality helps them get to know the gentlest way to transition out of their situation. 

For most people relying on spiritual healing, the process made them feel like they belong. It provides them with a healthy space where they can feel at ease and safe, which is difficult to achieve for every trauma victim. 


Trauma is not an easy topic to discuss. It can affect a victim entirely, including their spirituality, perspective, purpose, and significance. Once their spirituality is shaken or disrupted, one of the best methods to improve their condition is to help them patch the shattered pieces back through spiritual healing. While spiritual healing works differently from modern science or talk therapy, it still can bring positive effects to many victims.

Experience energy healing in Leeds through Paul Ramsden. He is a metaphysical healer and coach who can help you experience life-changing shifts through transformational energy healing. Contact us through our form to learn how he can help.