Category Archives: Metaphysics

What is Angel Healing and How Can it Help Me

When it comes to healing, there are many different approaches that people can take. From Western medicine to alternative therapies like acupuncture and Reiki, there are many different paths to wellness. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is angel healing. Working with angelic energies can help to speed up the healing process and create more powerful results. In this blog post, we’ll explore what angel healing is, how it works, and why it can be such a powerful tool for those seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

Past Life Trauma Healing

Have you ever felt like you were carrying around negative energies from past lives? If so, past life trauma healing may be the answer to helping you heal and become your greatest self. Past Life Trauma Healing is a process that helps individuals uncover and resolve unresolved traumas from past lives, thus allowing them to begin releasing any remaining negative energy they may have carried into this lifetime. In this blog post, we will explore the various techniques and benefits of past life trauma healing, as well as how it can help you move forward in life with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Introducing Past Life Trauma Healing and What It Is

It is a documented fact that past events can leave an undeniable impact on our current lives. Past life healing helps us to connect with past life fears, understand their connection to whom we are today, and heal from past traumas that might be still causing stress or manifesting as physical ailments. Through past life regression therapy, we can gain insight into the root of our current issues and how certain patterns may have come about due to past lives. Through this practice of connecting with past memories, emotions and events, those involved can begin to consciously create pathways for growth in their present lives.

With the help of a qualified hypnotherapist or past life therapist, you can take back control and move forward with more clarity, peace of mind and a sense of understanding.

Past life trauma healing can also be used to identify and understand the deeper meaning of our current actions, relationships and decisions. We may find that certain situations or people in our lives today are connected to a past life that we experienced. For example, if someone feels an inexplicable connection with another person during their initial meeting, it may be because of a past life in which the two people were connected. By exploring and connecting with this relationship from other lifetimes, it can help us to understand why we are drawn to certain situations or people when we meet them and how our current decisions relate to our past lives.

Past life trauma healing can also provide insight into hidden issues or patterns of behaviour that are preventing us from moving forward in our current lives. By exploring these connections to the past, we can start to understand why certain habits or beliefs may be hindering our progress today and how they might be impacting our relationships. Additionally, it can help us to determine what needs to be done in order to make changes and break free of these patterns. With this understanding, we can find greater peace and freedom in our lives. 

The Techniques Used to Uncover Past Life Traumas

Past life regression therapy is a powerful tool for accessing past-life traumas that are stored deep within the subconscious mind. This technique is implemented by experts in the field of past lives who help participants enter into a hypnotic trance and tap into past memories to reveal any underlying limiting beliefs or patterns preventing personal growth. Through this process, past-life traumas can be identified, unearthed, and released as energy trapped in time.

These discoveries help people uncover past experiences that may be playing out in their current reality, thereby allowing individuals to make positive changes and free themselves from the psychological barriers of their past. Allowing access to buried memories, past life regression therapy provides the opportunity for greater happiness and well-being.

The Benefits of Past Life Trauma Healing

A past life regression therapy session can help individuals uncover and heal past traumas in order to move forward with renewed energy, focus, and understanding of the past. In a past life regression session led by an experienced practitioner, clients are guided through memories of previous lives in order to discover feelings or fears around specific past events that may be blocking them from realizing their full potential.

Through learning from these past experiences, individuals can then arrive at a place of personal understanding and peace, leading to greater freedom and happiness. By embracing past life trauma healing including past life regression sessions, one can open themselves up to more fulfilling relationships and improved well-being in the present.

Past life trauma healing can help you to:

  1. Gain insight into past experiences that may be impacting current life
  2. Identify and understand the deeper meaning of present actions, relationships and decision
  3. Uncover hidden issues or patterns of behaviour preventing progress in the current lif
  4. Find greater peace and freedom in one’s life by understanding past-life traumas stored deep within the subconscious mind
  5. Achieve renewed energy, focus and understanding to move forward with personal growth and improved well-being

How Past Life Trauma Healing can Help Individuals Move Forward in Life with Renewed Energy and Enthusiasm

Many of us can experience past life fear without knowing where it comes from, which can be paralysing and keep us from living our fullest lives. Past life trauma healing offers a way to unlock the secrets hidden in our past so that we can understand why certain events and emotions impact us in our current life today. Through past life regression therapy, individuals can gain insight into how past events are affecting their present-day lives. In doing so, specialized therapists provide guidance and offer tools for transforming these energies in order to move forward with more confidence and enthusiasm.

Instead of being limited by the past, past life trauma healing gives individuals the control to take a proactive approach and break unhealthy patterns that have been holding them back from experiencing all that life has to offer.

Past life healing leeds
Releasing past life traumas can free up your energy system

Tips on How to Start Your Own Past Life Trauma Healing Journey

1. Connect to Your Intuition – Before embarking on a past-life healing journey, it is essential to connect to your intuition and develop an understanding of past traumas or patterns that need to be healed. Connecting to your intuition can help you become more aware of past experiences and open up to the possibilities of healing past life traumas. Meditation, self-reflection and journaling are great ways to begin tapping into your inner knowledge.

2. Seek Professional Help – While past life trauma healing can sometimes be done independently, professional guidance can also be incredibly helpful in unlocking past memories. Understanding deeper meanings behind actions and emotions in the present life, and uncovering any patterns of behaviour that might be disrupting progress. Working with a past-life regression therapist will provide specialised tools and direction on how to heal past traumas and move forward in life with greater confidence.

3. Practice Self-Care – Taking care of yourself throughout your past-life healing journey is key to achieving lasting results. Make sure to take time for yourself each day by engaging in activities that bring you joy such as yoga, art therapy or creative writing. Additionally, make sure you’re getting enough restful sleep every night as this helps create a balance between the mind and body which is essential for successful past-life healing work.

4. Explore Alternative Healing Methods – In addition to past-life regression therapy, there are many alternative healing methods that can help unlock blocked memories from the past such as crystal healing, hypnosis or sound therapy. Exploring these alternative therapies alongside past-life regression sessions can help enhance the healing process and lead to a more profound transformation within oneself.

5. Release Negative Emotions – It’s important to recognize negative emotions when they arise during the past-life healing process so they can be released instead of being held onto or suppressed inside one’s subconscious mind. Recognising negative emotions such as fear, sadness or anger helps one become consciously aware of them to transform them into positive energy, allowing us to gain clarity into our present situation and move forward with greater ease and peace in life.

6. Speak Positive Affirmations – Speaking positive affirmations before embarking on a past-life session is another way to prepare oneself for the journey ahead by focusing on positivity from within instead of any external doubts or fears that may arise during the process itself. Positive affirmations are also a great way for connecting further with one’s intuition during a session since it helps reprogramme any false beliefs we hold about ourselves deep within our subconscious minds which can otherwise block us from achieving our fullest potential.

7. Trust Yourself – Above all else remember that this is your own personal journey so trusting yourself along the way will allow you to unlock information about yourself much more easily than if you were relying solely on outside opinion or advice. Remember not everything has an answer right away but trust that all will come slowly over time so always keep an open mind while allowing yourself space for exploration without judgement in order for true transformation within oneself to occur.


Healing traumas from past lives can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and transformation. By exploring techniques such as past-life regression therapy, alternative healing methods, positive affirmations, and trusting yourself throughout the process, you will be able to unlock memories from past lives that may have been previously blocked in order to heal any present-day patterns or traumas that need attention. Ultimately this journey of past life trauma healing is about becoming your greatest self by releasing negative emotions so you can move forward with greater ease and peace in life.

If you are wanting help with healing trauma from past lives, Paul Ramsden is one of the top past life regression therapists to help you with this. He will assist you with going into past-life memories, finding where past-life trauma manifests itself and help you to clear any residual pain. Your soul’s past doesn’t have to affect your current lifetime. To find out more about sessions please use the contact page or tap on the Whatsapp icon to message him directly.

healing divine masculine energy

As the world becomes more and more digitized, some people are beginning to feel a disconnection from the natural world. This has led to a longing for something that is often called the “divine masculine.” But what is this divine masculine, and how can we connect with it? A divine masculine energy exists in all of us, and it’s important to nurture and heal this energy if we want to lead happy balanced lives. Here are seven ways of healing the divine masculine energy.

The Mind-Body-Soul-Spirit Connection

We often think of our minds, bodies, and spirits as separate entities. However, the truth is that they are all interconnected. When one is out of balance, it can have a ripple effect on the others. That’s why it’s so important to nurture all three aspects of ourselves. Luckily, there are many ways to do so. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the mind-body-spirit connection and how it can help us to achieve overall health and well-being. 

19 Health Affirmations That WORK

If you’re like most people, you probably think of affirmations as something that’s only helpful for improving your mental health. But did you know that affirmations can also be used to improve your physical health? In fact, using affirmations to improve your health is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries.

There are many different types of health affirmations that can be effective in helping you achieve your goals. You should choose affirmations that resonate with you, and repeat them regularly to help you stay on track. Here are nineteen health affirmations that can help you reach your fitness goals!

What are affirmations and why are they helpful for improving your health?

Healing affirmations are positive statements that are said out loud, either to yourself or to others, in order to promote healing. There is a growing body of research that suggests that healing affirmations can be helpful for improving your health, both physically and mentally.

By repeating positive affirmations, you can train your brain to focus on more positive thoughts. This can lead to reduced stress levels, increased happiness, and improved physical health. In fact, research has shown that people who use affirmations have lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol. So if you’re looking for a simple but effective way to improve your health, start using healing affirmations today!

One study found that patients who used healing affirmations had lower levels of stress hormones, blood pressure, and heart rate than those who did not use affirmations. Another study found that participants who said positive affirmations to themselves before taking a test performed better than those who did not say affirmations.

Additionally, some research suggests that healing affirmations can help to reduce pain levels, fatigue, and anxiety. While more research is needed to confirm the efficacy of healing affirmations, there is certainly evidence to suggest that they can be helpful for promoting better health.

Consequently, it may be beneficial to try incorporating some healing affirmations into your daily routine.

The different types of health affirmations that can be effective

Many people underestimate the power of positive affirmations. However, research has shown that positive self-talk can actually have a positive impact on overall health. For instance, one study found that heart surgery patients who used positive affirmations had a significantly higher rate of survival than those who did not use positive affirmations. Another study found that positive affirmations can help to improve stress levels, blood pressure, and immunity. 

Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that we can say to ourselves to help improve our mood and well-being. When it comes to health and fitness, there are a number of different positive affirmations that can be effective in helping us to lead a healthier life. 

Some examples of positive health affirmations

There are many different types of health affirmations that can be effective. For instance, you might say something like, “I am healthy and full of energy,” or “I am attracting good health into my life.”

Additionally, “I eat healthy foods that nourish my body” can help us make better food choices, and “I am surrounded by people who support my health goals” can help us find the motivation and encouragement we need to stay on track. 

It is important to find an affirmation that resonates with you and that you can believe.

By repeating the sentences above and incorporating positive affirmations into our daily routine, we can create a powerful tool for good health.

The more conviction you can put behind your affirmation, the more likely it is to be effective. So if you are looking for a way to improve your health, why not give positive affirmations a try?

How to choose the right affirmations for you

The power of affirmations has been proven time and time again. By repeating positive statements about ourselves, we can program our subconscious minds to believe these things and help manifest our desires into reality. But with so many affirmations out there, how do you choose the right ones for you?

When it comes to choosing affirmations, it’s important to consider what you want to achieve in the present moment. Rather than affirming something that you want to achieve in the future, present-focused affirmations help you to stay present and grounded in the present moment.

For example, if you’re struggling with your health, you might want to focus on affirmations that promote good health and a healthy life. For example, rather than saying “I will be healthy,” you can say “I am healthy.” This small shift can make a big difference in how you feel.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling good about yourself and your life, you might want to focus on affirmations that help you maintain that positive attitude. Either way, the key is to choose affirmations that resonate with you and that you can say with conviction. only then will they be truly effective.

Another tip is to choose affirmations that reflect your desired state of being. If you are looking for more health and vitality, then affirmations around good health and healthy life are going to be the most effective.

On the other hand, if you are wanting to attract more abundance into your life, then affirmations around wealth and prosperity are going to be the most powerful.

Choose what resonates with you and your desired state of being, and watch as the Universe begins to deliver your health manifestation examples right into your life.

How to use affirmations to reach your fitness goals

You may not realize it, but your body is a sturdy and flexible machine. It responds to the things you say to it, whether those things are positive or negative. When you tell your body that it’s strong, it will become stronger. When you tell your body that it’s weak, it will become weaker. The same is true for your immune system.

If you tell your body that it’s healthy, it will become healthier. If you tell your body that it’s sick, it will become sicker. That’s why affirmations are so powerful.

By repeating positive statements about your health and fitness goals, you can program your body to respond in a positive way. For example, if you want to lose weight, you might say “I am slim and healthy” or “I am attracting healthy habits into my life.” If you want to get in shape, you might say “I am strong and fit” or “I am making time for my fitness goals.”

Whatever your fitness goals may be, affirmations can help you reach them.

Additional tips for using affirmations to improve your health

One of the best things you can do for your health is to use affirmations. By repeating positive statements about your health, you can help to improve your overall well-being. Here are some tips for using affirmations to improve your health:

  • Choose affirmations that resonate with you. If you don’t believe what you’re saying, it won’t be as effective.
  • Say your affirmations out loud, with conviction. The more emotion you put into it, the better.
  • Repeat your affirmations regularly. The more you say them, the more your body will respond.
  • Visualize yourself as healthy and happy. See yourself having Inner peace and a sturdy, flexible body.
  • Believe in the power of affirmations. Know that they can and will help to improve your health.

Try incorporating affirmations into your daily routine and see how they can help to improve your overall health and well-being.

The 19 positive health affirmations that you need to be using

1. I am healthy and vibrant.

2. I am in control of my health.

3. My body is strong and capable.

4. I eat healthy foods that nourish my body.

5. I enjoy being active and moving my body.

6. I am grateful for my healthy body.

7. I listen to my body and respect its needs.

8. I take care of my body by getting enough sleep and relaxation.

9. I cherish my health and wellbeing.

10. I am a powerful force for good health.

11. I create vibrant health in every aspect of my life.

12. Every day, I get stronger and healthier.

13. I am committed to my health and wellbeing.

14) Health and vitality are mine to enjoy!

15) Health is a precious gift, and I appreciate it every day.

16) I have a strong, sturdy and flexible body and my body responds to my needs with ease

17) Healthy living is easy and effortless for me!

18) My health is always improving and getting better!

19) My body heals itself with vibrant, positive energy as I continue to practise self care

When it comes to creating lasting change in your life, affirmations are a powerful tool. Choose a few of the health affirmations above that resonate with you, and repeat them daily. You may be surprised at how quickly your health begins to improve!

You can also use affirmations to attract things like loving and healthy relationships, holistic wellness, self love, emotional healing and any other healing matter.

Your only limit with regards to using affirmations is the scope that you are willing to use them for. If your immune system could do with a boost, say some boosting, powerful affirmations for your immune system.

Final Thoughts

The most important thing for you to do is to pick some that resonate with you and get practising them. Say them loud, say them proud and say them with feeling!

Signs of Negative Energy in a Person

It’s no secret that negative energy and thoughts can be toxic. But what many people don’t realize is that you don’t have to be around someone who is openly hostile or negative in order to feel their negative energy. In fact, some people give off negative energy without realizing it.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative energy, it’s important to learn to protect yourself from it- both mentally and spiritually. It is important to learn the signs that might indicate someone is harbouring negative energy, as well as tips on how to protect yourself from it.

muscle testing leeds image 1

Muscle testing is a great way for you to be able to bypass the critical thinking part of your mind and go deeper into the subconscious to find those answers that you are looking for.
Sometimes we do or say things that we know that we shouldn’t do. You can muscle test to find out what is driving your subconscious mind.

somatic therapy leeds west yorkshire uk

Somatic therapy is a body orientated approach to mind-body healing. By looking at where the trauma is being stored in your body and releasing it, you are able to see quicker, positive jumps forward in your mental health and wellbeing.

shifting energy healing leeds

Contrary to what most people believe in, positive thinking doesn’t really do much in framing your reality. Shifting your energy through energy healing can alter your thoughts and transform your life in the process.

But how is energy healing best explained?

Understanding Energy Healing

The body consists of interconnected systems that even the slightest imbalance can disrupt its function and flow of energy. This imbalance and disruption contribute to negative feelings, thoughts and illness. Through energy healing, the energy flow in your body will be aligned and treat any obstruction that causes you to have ill thoughts and feelings. 

In simple terms, your body will be cleansed of negative energy, which will positively affect your physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Energy healing will impact the way you conduct relationships, handle adversities and changes and connect with people around you, whether you like them or not.

Here are some reasons as to why shifting your energy field is best done through changing your thoughts:

Energy Is Your Thoughts’ Building Block

Whatever belief or notion you’ve had over the course of your life is stored in your chakras as energy. Energy healing balances chakras. When your chakras are aligned, you’ll have fresh perspectives that will affect your thoughts, experiences and beliefs.

Aside from repeating affirmations, also consider these energy healing modalities:

  • Integrated Energy Therapy
  • Psych-K
  • Reiki

These can support manifestation through making a connection with your cellular memory, chakras, and subconscious.

Cords can keep us attached to people in our present and our past. Cord cutting is a useful tool to sever the energetic ties that bind us. Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

Positive Thoughts about Someone Will Not Cause Karmic Tie Healing

Unconsciously, some people could create cords of attachment that are energetic, which will affect your energy through draining. For as long as that cord has some attachment to you, then your hold on power isn’t full. 

There are people in our lives that can trigger specific thoughts and feelings. Some people trigger positive emotions, like family and close friends. However, there are those that stir chaos from within us, like an old friend who betrayed you or a childhood bully that caused you trauma. If you feel like your energy is drained whenever you think about that person or whenever they are around, going into a three-week cord-cutting meditation might help. 

Cord-cutting is a practice where you recall power through space and time. Through this, any energy that’s not actually yours will finally be released.

The moment you start trying it out, pay attention to whether or not your energy field gets stronger. Reframing your perspective on this person will help with emotional intelligence development. This will bring a positive effect on your relationships and how you connect with other people around you. Energy healing is able to complement this transformation by handling spiritual, physical and emotional bodies.


Energy is an incredibly powerful thing that can affect the overall health of a person, from physical to spiritual. Simply changing one’s thoughts can help shift an energy field. This is because simply thinking positive thoughts on someone won’t heal karmic ties; energy is the building block of thoughts in the first place.

Looking to experience energy healing in Leeds? I’m here to help! I’m Paul Ramsden. Let me work with your energy symptoms to help you experience life-changing shifts.

3 signs of depression

Depression can become so overwhelming and debilitating that it can be almost impossible to function. Completing simple, everyday tasks like bathing and eating become too much to bear against the sheer weight of depression, which often feels like a hopeless pit in your stomach or like an elephant is sitting on your chest. 

The worst part about depression is that it doesn’t discriminate. Even if you seem like a person who “has it all” and with everything anyone could want, you can still suffer from crippling despair and sadness, like how healthy people can still find themselves with terminal illnesses. Fortunately, there are many ways to help deal with depression, with hypnotherapy being a practical solution available to anyone who needs it. 

Here are the common causes of depression and how hypnotherapy can help you overcome them:

  1. Feelings of Unworthiness
depression and unworthiness
Depression often leads to feelings of being unworthy and not being good enough.

Feeling like you don’t deserve your good fortune or your dreams and desires often leads to depression. Thanks to the Internet, we are more exposed to other people’s accomplishments, and we pay particularly more attention to those who look like they’re doing much better than we are. As a result, we feel pressured to do more and be more because, as we are, we aren’t enough.

The truth is that even the most revered, beautiful celebrities have suffered from having to look perfect all the time, especially women. Like Rita Hayworth and Ava Gardner, who were renowned for their allure and beauty, well-loved icons have all chosen to live life away from the spotlight because of the sheer pressure of maintaining a perfect façade. Actors and athletes feel the same pressure as well, believing that they need to ‘keep performing’ to continue the charade of constantly feeling happy and ‘having it all.’

However, hypnotherapy can help you address these beliefs by guiding you through your thought process and uncovering why you don’t believe you are worthy enough. By untangling your thought patterns and sifting the negative from the positive, you’ll eventually realise that you are, indeed, deserving of everything you want, even your wildest dreams. By addressing the root of the matter, you can gain the confidence you need to get up and pursue your goals and live the life you’ve always wanted.

  1. Adhering to Other People’s Ideals of Happiness

Until recently, the popular notion of happiness involved having a partner, children, material wealth, and a successful career. However, the path to these is often lined with making choices that sometimes do not make you feel comfortable. As a result, you may ignore your inner thirst for goals like establishing yourself as an interior designer, a music producer, or a football star in favour of more traditional pathways, like getting into corporate finance. After all, that’s what you’ve been told is the key to success, right?

trying to please others depression
Trying to please others means diminishing your own needs and desires.

However, not following your heart’s desire and adhering to society’s ideals of happiness has been proven to make you feel miserable. Many people have reported feeling depressed because they did not pursue the career they knew they were meant for, causing them to suppress their love for things that genuinely make them happy. However, by seeing a hypnotherapist, you can undo the beliefs that made you think that there was no other way to be happy than by following society’s ideals. Working with a professional will help you unpack the thoughts and perspectives that hold you back from what you truly want to do, allowing you to live a life without regrets.

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyles

Regularly consuming junk food and staying sedentary is not only bad for your physical wellbeing, but your mental health as well. Unfortunately, depression can lead you into a vicious cycle, where it becomes too difficult to take care of yourself, so you allow your physical health and hygiene to deteriorate. However, it’s essential to realise that you are always in control of what you eat, think, and do, no matter how impossible it may seem.

What you put into your body directly affects how you feel, and hypnotherapy can help you make healthier choices to improve your overall wellbeing. It can change your views and perspectives, helping you believe that exercising regularly, taking care of yourself, and eating the right foods will allow you to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.


Depression is a widespread phenomenon affecting millions of people worldwide, which means that you likely know a few people who have grappled with it. However, by understanding its typical causes and seeing a hypnotherapist to help you recover, you can clear negative energy and put yourself on the right path to living a life you love.
Paul Ramsden specialises in energy healing in Leeds, helping people overcome their fears, anxieties, and depression through hypnotherapy. He works with his patients’ energy symptoms, enabling them to experience life-changing shifts in their consciousness. Schedule an appointment with him today to change your life!