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3 signs of depression

Depression can become so overwhelming and debilitating that it can be almost impossible to function. Completing simple, everyday tasks like bathing and eating become too much to bear against the sheer weight of depression, which often feels like a hopeless pit in your stomach or like an elephant is sitting on your chest. 

The worst part about depression is that it doesn’t discriminate. Even if you seem like a person who “has it all” and with everything anyone could want, you can still suffer from crippling despair and sadness, like how healthy people can still find themselves with terminal illnesses. Fortunately, there are many ways to help deal with depression, with hypnotherapy being a practical solution available to anyone who needs it. 

Here are the common causes of depression and how hypnotherapy can help you overcome them:

  1. Feelings of Unworthiness
depression and unworthiness
Depression often leads to feelings of being unworthy and not being good enough.

Feeling like you don’t deserve your good fortune or your dreams and desires often leads to depression. Thanks to the Internet, we are more exposed to other people’s accomplishments, and we pay particularly more attention to those who look like they’re doing much better than we are. As a result, we feel pressured to do more and be more because, as we are, we aren’t enough.

The truth is that even the most revered, beautiful celebrities have suffered from having to look perfect all the time, especially women. Like Rita Hayworth and Ava Gardner, who were renowned for their allure and beauty, well-loved icons have all chosen to live life away from the spotlight because of the sheer pressure of maintaining a perfect façade. Actors and athletes feel the same pressure as well, believing that they need to ‘keep performing’ to continue the charade of constantly feeling happy and ‘having it all.’

However, hypnotherapy can help you address these beliefs by guiding you through your thought process and uncovering why you don’t believe you are worthy enough. By untangling your thought patterns and sifting the negative from the positive, you’ll eventually realise that you are, indeed, deserving of everything you want, even your wildest dreams. By addressing the root of the matter, you can gain the confidence you need to get up and pursue your goals and live the life you’ve always wanted.

  1. Adhering to Other People’s Ideals of Happiness

Until recently, the popular notion of happiness involved having a partner, children, material wealth, and a successful career. However, the path to these is often lined with making choices that sometimes do not make you feel comfortable. As a result, you may ignore your inner thirst for goals like establishing yourself as an interior designer, a music producer, or a football star in favour of more traditional pathways, like getting into corporate finance. After all, that’s what you’ve been told is the key to success, right?

trying to please others depression
Trying to please others means diminishing your own needs and desires.

However, not following your heart’s desire and adhering to society’s ideals of happiness has been proven to make you feel miserable. Many people have reported feeling depressed because they did not pursue the career they knew they were meant for, causing them to suppress their love for things that genuinely make them happy. However, by seeing a hypnotherapist, you can undo the beliefs that made you think that there was no other way to be happy than by following society’s ideals. Working with a professional will help you unpack the thoughts and perspectives that hold you back from what you truly want to do, allowing you to live a life without regrets.

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyles

Regularly consuming junk food and staying sedentary is not only bad for your physical wellbeing, but your mental health as well. Unfortunately, depression can lead you into a vicious cycle, where it becomes too difficult to take care of yourself, so you allow your physical health and hygiene to deteriorate. However, it’s essential to realise that you are always in control of what you eat, think, and do, no matter how impossible it may seem.

What you put into your body directly affects how you feel, and hypnotherapy can help you make healthier choices to improve your overall wellbeing. It can change your views and perspectives, helping you believe that exercising regularly, taking care of yourself, and eating the right foods will allow you to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.


Depression is a widespread phenomenon affecting millions of people worldwide, which means that you likely know a few people who have grappled with it. However, by understanding its typical causes and seeing a hypnotherapist to help you recover, you can clear negative energy and put yourself on the right path to living a life you love.
Paul Ramsden specialises in energy healing in Leeds, helping people overcome their fears, anxieties, and depression through hypnotherapy. He works with his patients’ energy symptoms, enabling them to experience life-changing shifts in their consciousness. Schedule an appointment with him today to change your life!

A Guide to Letting Go of Negativity Through Running Energy

People experience various energies daily. As much as possible, it’s one’s goal to manifest positive energy throughout their journey and strive to eliminate negative energy from taking over their life. If you’re holding negative emotions due to any circumstance, then one way to deal with it is through energy healing.

As effective as it is to call on a spiritual healer, sometimes, you need to initiate your own intervention and give running energy a try. It’s a kind of meditation practice that aims to eliminate elements blocking your chakra from staying in the present and appreciating what you have and where you are now.

It’s essential to remind yourself that the only way for you to truly heal from what’s affecting you is to accept your emotions and acknowledge the unwanted energy within you. That way, you can become your own healer and strive to remove the negative energy. 

Keep reading below to find out how to embrace pain and run your energy through your chakras effectively.

Find Your Center

Find centre point for energy healing on yourself
Finding your own centre helps you to become more present. More living in the now.

It’s an unnecessary habit for people to constantly look back at the past or worry about their future, as it causes them to rarely appreciate the present

You need to allow yourself to become grounded and remind yourself to focus on what’s in front of you. Acknowledging your presence leads the path towards healing by ensuring your mind, body, emotions, and spirit are all in tune.

Create a Grounding Cord

Begin by sitting upright while avoiding crossing your legs and arms. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and imagine a stream of light. Let it move from your first chakra, found at the end of your tailbone, towards the centre of the earth.

Open Your Seventh Chakra

Proceed with envisioning the same light travelling from your seventh chakra at the top of your head and allow it to find its way up. The goal is to get that light to create a connection with the divine or cosmic energy around you.

Signal Your Spirit Back

As you maintain a steady rhythm of your breathing, say your full name aloud three times. It reminds you of who you are and what makes your name uniquely you. This practice informs yourself to stay in the present moment.

Develop Grounding Cords 

You can move on with opening the chakras found on the soles of your feet. As they remain planted on the floor, imagine beams of light making their way from the centre of your feet towards the earth’s core. 

Run the Earth Energy

After establishing the necessary cords from your previously mentioned chakras, you can begin pulling earth energy to you. Since it originates from the earth, you must call on it from the centre of the ground and permit it to enter your feet, up your legs and torso, and out towards the crown of your head.

The process aims to fill your body’s outer layer with earth energy up to the aura’s edge that reaches the tips of your fingers and toes. When you feel the aura emanating throughout your body, direct it to flush down the grounding cord through your first chakra, back to the centre of the earth.

Run the Forgiveness Energy

Rose for forgiveness energy healing
Imagining a rose can help to draw in forgiveness energy and grounding.

Forgiveness energy is also called Christ-force energy, which gives off a translucent gold colour with blue tones. You can pull forgiveness energy into your body the same way you called up the earth energy.

Let it flow out your seventh chakra to fill your aura and eliminate any unwanted energy that isn’t doing you good to allow more room for your spirit. Once you’re filled with forgiveness energy, release it to your grounding cord back to the earth. Repeat the process four times to ground yourself completely.

Run Your Healing Energy

To run your energy, take it through each of your chakras, clearing your negative energy by going through loops to eliminate blockages. Allow the healing power to fill you and wash over your mind, body, spirit, and emotions to help you radiate the same energy to the world around you.

Run the Cosmic Energy

Cosmic energy enters your body through your seventh chakra at the crown of your head and moves down your body through your other chakras. Their last stop is the grounding cord at the earth’s core. It’s necessary to run your ground and cosmic energy four times while envisioning the colours they represent.

Create a New Grounding Cord

The last step to cleansing your negative energy is to completely get rid of your old grounding cord and attract a new one to refocus all your energy into the present. Eliminate any excess energy and allow it to exit your body through your current grounding cord.

You can then let go of it by imagining a rose rooted to the earth, which symbolises forgiveness and transforms dense energy into light. Put your old grounding cord in the centre of the flower and let it explode over an ocean, allowing the rose petals to scatter all over the waters to be rinsed. Repeat the process of creating a grounding cord, and you’re on your way towards achieving peace and harmony with your newfound energies.


You should never keep negative energy from preventing you from staying present and living your life to the fullest. The way to clearing out unwanted energy flowing through you is to run it and call upon the energy surrounding you for help. Follow the steps above and practice it a few times until you achieve your desires—stay in the present and appreciate what’s happening now. If you’re having difficulty finding your centre and opening your chakras properly, you can reach out to a professional to help you through the entire process of running your energy.

Are you looking for energy healing near you to assist you with letting go of your pent up negative energy? Paul Ramsden is dedicated to guiding clients through energy healing, energy bodywork, metaphysical healing, and coaching. Get in touch today to find out how it works!