Category Archives: Sexual Abuse

somatic therapy leeds west yorkshire uk

Somatic therapy is a body orientated approach to mind-body healing. By looking at where the trauma is being stored in your body and releasing it, you are able to see quicker, positive jumps forward in your mental health and wellbeing.

coaching and therapy for sexual violence

Violence and trauma can leave deep scars on any person. Healing and coping are different for every person, especially when it comes to dealing with experiences related to sexual violence. 

Recovering from sexual violence is complex and can take many forms, as the term “healing” may have a different meaning for every survivor. But one thing’s for sure, when it comes to moving forward, survivors need to learn how to hold space for both their pain and the beauty of their resilience. 

A survivor experiences waves of emotions — often a mixture of different feelings all at once. Some feelings include hopelessness, surrender, heartbreak, and grief. Still, despite the blanket of despair, there is always a stream of love and gratitude that makes its way through the cracks and broken pieces. 

Though getting the latter may be quite challenging, it’s known that self-care practices, transformational energy healing, and coaching balances and centres the survivor’s mind and body, allowing them to find the gems in their innermost spaces and experiences. 

Breathing In Self-Compassion

One of the things healing and coaching teaches survivors is self-compassion and how it demands to be felt. With that being said, the process of learning self-compassion emerges in an organic and non-linear way, which often tests our patience, faith, and acceptance. 

There are numerous ways to practice self-compassion that integrate the body, mind, and spirit. The whole practice encourages you to focus on the space that you have and forces you to identify the sources of your resilience and remember to connect your core as you tread traumatic waters. 

Some survivors get the help of coaches and transformational energy healing specialists to help them work intentionally with their bodies and minds to breathe in light, self-compassion, and home, all while gravitating towards balance. 

Remembering That Scars are Stronger Than Skin

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of “Women Who Run With The Wolves,” said, “It is good to remember that in tensile strength and ability to absorb pressure, a scar is stronger than skin.”

One gets a scar after a wound heals, so this is the perfect analogy of what it is like from healing from sexual violence. When you get hurt, you learn new lessons and take with you the pain and experience that lead you to this moment, making you see your scars as a sign of survival instead of being broken. 

However, many people still think that some wounds may never heal, and the scar will always be there. But it’s also good to note that even if the scar is visible, the scar does not provide additional pain. With coaching and healing, survivors are taught to see scars in this manner and to see scars as a sign of resilience and strength. 

Trauma and Its Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Effects

Most sexual violence survivors don’t only experience physical effects; mental and spiritual consequences are brought along with the trauma. Abuse can undoubtedly leave an impact on a survivor’s health, including chronic stress, depression, low sex drive, fatigue, and are even at high risk for heart attack.

Other obstacles that survivors face are mental and eating disorders, all of which affect the survivor’s quality of life. For this reason, coaching and energy healing can help survivors cope with these effects and find light in surviving the abuse.

Final Thought: Coaching and Energy Healing Remind You That You Are Larger Than Life

Dealing with the wounds and trauma of sexual violence is a long journey that needs constant support. With coaching and transformational energy healing, survivors are encouraged to view themselves as large and powerful, focusing on their survival on incredibly traumatic events. 

In the end, healing is a collaborative effort where the coach and the survivor work together to create a safe space where the individual can grow and, although it may take time, release their wounds’ weight and heaviness. 

How Can Paul Ramsden Help You?

If you’re looking for transformational energy healing in Leeds, reach out to Paul Ramsden. 

Paul Ramsden works with energy symptoms to help clients and survivors experience life-changing shifts in their consciousness through transformational energy healing, energy bodywork, metaphysical healing, coaching, and more. Book an appointment today!

ts core issues as a means to stimulate emotional healing. If you have PTSD or have experienced life-altering trauma, pairing counselling, and other treatments with chakra healing are the backbone of cleansing negative energy.

What is a Chakra?

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

As part of the energy-healing process, chakras pertain to the body’s centre. They run from your tailbone to the crown of your head, and in front of your spine. Though invisible to the naked eye, chakras make up a vital component of the body’s energy field.

As part of a spiritual healing method, the chakra aims to balance an individual’s physical and emotional well-being. When you encounter a traumatic experience, it can impact all seven chakras, which you’ll learn about below.

  1. Muladhara, the Root Chakra

The root chakra exists in the perineum—the tip of your tailbone. After a traumatic experience, your root chakra may undergo instability regarding grounding, primal energy, survival, safety, and security. When you address this part of the body, you encourage your will to survive.

  1. Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra

This chakra pertains to sexuality, relationships, pleasure, and creativity. It will sometimes overlap the root chakra at the womb or sacrum. Sexual abuse may shut this chakra down, leaving you to question the ability to desire another individual lovingly.

  1. Manipura, the Solar Plexus

This third chakra located near the stomach hones inner strength, vitality, self-control, and assertiveness. After a bout of trauma, you might find it challenging to establish boundaries. Healing the solar plexus restores control and power.

  1. Anahata, the Heart Chakra

Naturally, the heart chakra pertains to feelings of love, along with compassion, forgiveness, and self-esteem. If you have experienced a history of abuse, you might relate feelings of love with distress, shame, and pain.

Thus, healing Anahata allows individuals to establish a sense of love without pain and become open to trust and affection.

  1. Visuddha, the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is home to expression, communication, and speech. Damage to Visuddha can leave individuals feeling strangled or suffocated, and incapable of saying.

Alternatively, a healthy throat chakra enables open honesty and promotes active listening.

  1. Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra

Located between the brows, Ajna associates with intuition, vision, insight, and psychic awareness (ESP). Traumatised individuals might only predict adverse outcomes and perceive every threat. Furthermore, they will question their intuition.

Exercise this chakra via healing therapy to correct and expand your field of vision, simultaneously eliminating emotional threats.

  1. Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra

This final chakra is located on the crown of your head and connects individuals with a higher consciousness or inspiration. Perhaps the most spiritual chakra among all seven, damage to Sahasrara may leave an individual feeling disconnected from reality and their spiritual selves. As such, getting better re-establishes a sense of connectedness and ability to cope.


Negative emotions are energy-draining, disrupting vibrational frequencies. By clearing these energies, you learn to come to terms with traumatic events, regardless of how long your unique process takes. Begin your spiritual healing journey with Paul Ramsden, a fully-qualified hypnotherapist with expertise in challenging anxiety and depression. Book a group or online one-on-one session an unburden yourself with a transformation energy healing session that will leave a profound effect on your spiritual self.

Sexual Abuse & Hypnotherapy

Growing up while experiencing some form of abuse can result in short-term and long-term psychological effects for people. Worst-case scenarios involve sexual abuse perpetrated by a relative, a friend, a neighbour, or a stranger.

Unfortunately, people of all ages battle sexual abuse every day. Its short-term effects involve changes in behaviour, self-esteem, sleeping patterns, and overall performance at school or work. Meanwhile, long-term effects include mental health issues, psychological disorders, and unwanted behavioural outcomes.

It’s also possible for victims of sexual abuse to have a natural tendency of blaming themselves for what happened to them during their adolescence and adulthood. If you want to know more about hypnotherapy as a way to help people who have experienced sexual abuse, then keep reading below.

Effects of Sexual Abuse on Health

Effects of sexual abuse
Sexual abuse can leave you feeling like there is something missing inside of you. The right therapy can help you to become whole once again.

People who have suffered through sexual abuse have more chances of undergoing epileptic seizures due to the changes in the part of their brain that controls their emotions. The sensations that could potentially lead to attacks involve sadness, humiliation, anger, and other intense feelings that could result in an imbalance in the brain.

Abnormal behaviour of a sexual abuse survivor can also be linked to aggression and self-destruction. Their lingering trauma can involve hormonal changes connected to a fragile part of the brain! As a result, they experience depression and retention problems, and they cultivate fear and anger towards the abuser.

Triggers of Sexual Abuse

Consulting with a doctor may be necessary to help eliminate the damage brought by sexual abuse. While it can be helpful, it’s still possible for victims to become triggered at one or several points in their lives. Triggers can happen when they least expect it, resurfacing and giving the victim a hard time to recover all over again.

All forms of abuse can leave a lasting mark on the disturbed person and can change their behaviour severely, including their beliefs and way of thinking. Their emotional and mental health is affected even after they become mature enough to clearly understand what happened.

Damage of Sexual Abuse

Damage of sexual abuse
Sexual abuse can leave you feeling like you are damaged or broken. Trauma therapy can bring those pieces back together again.

Sexual abuse that occurs at a young age usually happens to boys and girls who are violated by unsuspected relatives or members of the family. Due to their lack of knowledge on sex, they don’t realise what happened to them until later on, when it hits them that their innocence was robbed early in their lives.

The damage that sexual abuse leaves on children can severely affect them, even more so once they gather the guts to tell their parents, but don’t receive the empathy they needed at the time. Therefore, it will result in more aggressive behaviour, possibly even leading to depression and severe emotional trauma.

Hypnotherapy for Sexual Abuse

For those who have lived through abuse, hypnotherapy can help the victims let go of the pain and trauma they’ve kept with themselves while growing up. Through therapy, survivors can be relieved from having to deal with the effects of abuse, allowing them to continue living their lives without the triggers to stop them.

A professional who can perform hypnotherapy can accommodate victims of sexual, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse and help them recover from other traumatic incidents during these times. Whether you had to live through it as a child or as an adult, you can still recover from it—just remember: it’s never too late to ask for help.


Hypnotherapy is a private method that requires professionals who are highly experienced to maintain your trust, especially when it comes to processing and recalling your past abuse. To help you let go of your bad experiences, it’s essential to rely on a hypnotherapist because they can guarantee you’re in a safe space to open up your bad memories and be properly guided on how to get rid of them.

Are you looking for hypnotherapy services in Leeds to help tackle sexual abuse problems? Paul Ramsden offers a wide range of solutions to help change your life, including dealing with smoking, bad food habits, anxiety and panic attacks, and more. We also offer online therapy through Skype or Zoom. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment.