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Theta Healing is a healing method that has been put into the spotlight in recent years. Developed in 1995, ThetaHealing is practised by over half a million people globally. This spiritual phenomenon raises questions about its beginnings and how it affects a person.

This article will discuss every basic detail you need to know about ThetaHealing.

The Origin of ThetaHealing

Vianna Stibal is the creator of Thetahealing

Vianna Stibal is a well-known spiritual teacher who educates people on spiritual philosophy and meditation. Stibal created Theta Healing while undergoing her personal healing process from a leg tumour. In her own words, she describes ThetaHealing as ‘a meditation training technique utilising a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit’.

ThetaHealing centres around the mindset of focusing on the unconditional love of the Creator to do their will upon them. The term Creator is not limited to a specific religion or belief system but seems to point to any authority figure of a person with faith. 

How ThetaHealing Is Practised

ThetaHealing doesn’t abandon the need for medicine use but is taught in association with it. Vianna Stibal had witnessed her own physical healing through this philosophy, and she wished to share it with others.

Theta Healing all stems from the mind and spirit. Easing yourself of any mental, emotional and spiritual pain will also help you with your physical pain. This practice teaches you how to navigate the Gamma (Active), Beta (Alert), Alpha (Relaxed), Theta (Meditative) and Delta (Sleepy) frequencies in your brain.

Practitioners are taught to tune in to the Theta brain frequency. Since individuals have their own internal struggles that they need to address, a person may require a session or two, depending on the problem they are facing. After passing this stage and shifting their brain frequency, they will come to develop renewed beliefs and begin to heal physical issues

Another step of ThetaHealing is muscle testing, where a practitioner will scan your body to learn if you have any particular beliefs embedded. Negative thoughts and feelings can be tied to specific parts of your body. You are able to consent to this during a session or decline it.

What ThetaHealing Has to Offer

Many are sceptical of Theta Healing; the most popular question is probably why anyone should try it. This spiritual technique is presented as a key to creating changes in your life and gaining power. People who hold this philosophy near and dear to their heart preach the opportunities of being healed, enlightened and deeply relaxed. What’s highlighted most is the spiritual connection to the Creator.

Interestingly, the results of ThetaHealing have been scientifically proven to lower stress and anxiety. ThetaHealing elevates the mental clarity of a person and presents freedom, which reignites their creativity and confidence. 

There are also revelations about Theta Healing helping one to live their fullest life by providing what’s deemed to be intangibles. ThetaHealing is said to help an individual find a career, wealth, health, a soulmate and freedom from addictions or fears. It may sound too good to be true, but there are many online testimonials that claim the wonders of Theta Healing.


To summarise, Theta Healing is a healthy philosophy that strives for a state of tranquillity and meditation. It promotes living a life constantly full of healing and love.
Are you looking to begin your journey of Thetahealing in Leeds? Paul Ramsden provides hypnotherapy, which aims to introduce life-changing shifts. Make everything a possibility through transformational energy healing. Send an enquiry today!

ts core issues as a means to stimulate emotional healing. If you have PTSD or have experienced life-altering trauma, pairing counselling, and other treatments with chakra healing are the backbone of cleansing negative energy.

What is a Chakra?

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

As part of the energy-healing process, chakras pertain to the body’s centre. They run from your tailbone to the crown of your head, and in front of your spine. Though invisible to the naked eye, chakras make up a vital component of the body’s energy field.

As part of a spiritual healing method, the chakra aims to balance an individual’s physical and emotional well-being. When you encounter a traumatic experience, it can impact all seven chakras, which you’ll learn about below.

  1. Muladhara, the Root Chakra

The root chakra exists in the perineum—the tip of your tailbone. After a traumatic experience, your root chakra may undergo instability regarding grounding, primal energy, survival, safety, and security. When you address this part of the body, you encourage your will to survive.

  1. Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra

This chakra pertains to sexuality, relationships, pleasure, and creativity. It will sometimes overlap the root chakra at the womb or sacrum. Sexual abuse may shut this chakra down, leaving you to question the ability to desire another individual lovingly.

  1. Manipura, the Solar Plexus

This third chakra located near the stomach hones inner strength, vitality, self-control, and assertiveness. After a bout of trauma, you might find it challenging to establish boundaries. Healing the solar plexus restores control and power.

  1. Anahata, the Heart Chakra

Naturally, the heart chakra pertains to feelings of love, along with compassion, forgiveness, and self-esteem. If you have experienced a history of abuse, you might relate feelings of love with distress, shame, and pain.

Thus, healing Anahata allows individuals to establish a sense of love without pain and become open to trust and affection.

  1. Visuddha, the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is home to expression, communication, and speech. Damage to Visuddha can leave individuals feeling strangled or suffocated, and incapable of saying.

Alternatively, a healthy throat chakra enables open honesty and promotes active listening.

  1. Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra

Located between the brows, Ajna associates with intuition, vision, insight, and psychic awareness (ESP). Traumatised individuals might only predict adverse outcomes and perceive every threat. Furthermore, they will question their intuition.

Exercise this chakra via healing therapy to correct and expand your field of vision, simultaneously eliminating emotional threats.

  1. Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra

This final chakra is located on the crown of your head and connects individuals with a higher consciousness or inspiration. Perhaps the most spiritual chakra among all seven, damage to Sahasrara may leave an individual feeling disconnected from reality and their spiritual selves. As such, getting better re-establishes a sense of connectedness and ability to cope.


Negative emotions are energy-draining, disrupting vibrational frequencies. By clearing these energies, you learn to come to terms with traumatic events, regardless of how long your unique process takes. Begin your spiritual healing journey with Paul Ramsden, a fully-qualified hypnotherapist with expertise in challenging anxiety and depression. Book a group or online one-on-one session an unburden yourself with a transformation energy healing session that will leave a profound effect on your spiritual self.