Category Archives: Metaphysics

Healing body trauma therapy Leeds

Most people associate emotional trauma with only mental wounds, believing that it doesn’t manifest physically. However, the reality is that the stress and trauma we carry in our minds often presents themselves in our bodies, even when we don’t realise it. It becomes body trauma, which requires transformational energy healing to address.

Anxiety has been on the rise since the pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world. More people feel overwhelmed and panicked at the seemingly endless amount of negative news on TV and social media. Some have even said that they have started to feel sick due to their distress. As a result, more and more people are experiencing body trauma and are at a loss with addressing it.

Understanding Body Trauma

Understanding body trauma Leeds
Your body will hold on to past traumas until they are resolved and released. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Feeling upset and scared doesn’t necessarily have to come from situations that directly affect you; mere exposure to traumatic information from the media you consume is often enough to traumatise you. Your body will be wired to anticipate and evade threats constantly, even when there aren’t any immediate ones present. This constant strain on yourself ultimately leads to body trauma. Survivors of accidents, abuse, and other tragic events have even more difficulty processing this, given their already existing trauma.

Humans are programmed to respond to danger in three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. When you experience a traumatic event, your body commits this feeling to memory, along with the defence mechanisms it has set to fight the trauma. These are kept in the chemicals in your body associated with emotions. By storing memories that contain signs of danger, your body can respond more immediately, helping you avoid threatening situations more easily. However, this fight-or-flight energy can get jammed in your body, overwhelming you and preventing you from responding correctly.

Dealing With Body Trauma Through Transformational Energy Healing

Traumatic experiences do not occur gently or slowly; a surge of strong emotions often accompanies them. While it is imperative to process these emotions healthily, such as crying, resting, or even exercising, traumatised people usually cannot act upon them. Thus, the body looks for an alternative way to express this energy, such as flashbacks or bad dreams. It can even manifest physiologically through neck pains, headaches, and other health conditions. It also affects how you think and perceive your surroundings, making you feel inappropriate guilt and causing you to deem harmless situations as dangerous.

Since trauma changes your body and rewires your brain, you are more susceptible to more trauma. For you to address this adequately, you’ll need transformational energy healing, which will help your body reconfigure its defence system. It will work to relax your body’s response and inform you that you are not in danger, so there is no need to be on high alert. We communicate to your body’s consciousness through energy healing, ensuring it receives and comprehends that it is safe and that it should ease its guard. Once your body calms down, it will be much easier to address the mental and emotional parts of trauma, particularly when determining the emotional energies your body consciousness requires to recover and feel well again.


Pursuing energy healing is a great step towards recovering from body trauma, particularly in an incredibly distressing and upsetting time. By focusing on the physiological aspect of the trauma, it will be more manageable to address the emotional and mental elements, providing you with a holistic healing method.

Paul Ramsden offers transformational energy and metaphysical healing in Leeds, working with people’s energy symptoms to help them achieve life-changing shifts in their consciousness. If you’ve been struggling with something for a long time, be sure to get in touch with me today to start transforming your life for the better.

energy healing in leeds west yorkshire

Healing touch or therapeutic touch is a healing method based on ancient healing practices. This method utilises the hand and its capacity to bring energy and help a person relax, heal, and recover from pain faster. This method aims to promote healing by restoring harmony to a person’s overall wellbeing.  

If this is your first time hearing about energy healing, here are some of the common treatments you will encounter and what they are for:

1: Craniosacral Therapy 

This non-invasive treatment uses a therapist’s hands to provide relief from various pains, such as headaches, neck pains, and other side-effects of prior health treatments. In this method, gentle pressure is applied to your head, neck, and back to remove the “blockages” that hinder your body’s normal energy flow. As a result, the process enhances your body’s ability to heal itself. 

Craniosacral therapy can help keep people’s energy continuously moving around the body. It is a healing process that is often recommended for people who experience difficult pregnancies, disturbed sleep cycles, and mood disorders. It is also known to reduce symptoms of migraines, constipation, sinus infection, scoliosis, and more.  

After the therapy, expect to feel calmer and more in-tuned with yourself.

energy healing therapies in Leeds
Healing Touch Therapy can be done sat in a chair without needing to remove any clothing.

2: Healing Touch

This energy therapy is based on the belief that every living thing on earth possesses energy. When a patient is not in their best condition, their energy is not flowing correctly.

In this healing method, the healing practitioner will ask you to lay on a massage table, or simply sit in a chair, for an energy assessment. Because your energy extends beyond your skin, the healing touch practitioner can feel and interact with it. 

From there, the practitioner will learn what to do to keep your energy levels balanced. They will begin to manipulate the flow of energy in your body using touch and hand movements. 

This healing technique is often used to complement other healing practices, such as medication, in-home care, and other therapies. The session can help calm and reduce a patient’s anxiety, stress, depression, or pain, thereby improving their quality of life and sense of wellbeing.

3: Magnetic Therapy

This healing therapy relies on magnets as tools to help treat conditions. This method is based on the belief that the body and earth have electromagnetic fields that need to be well-balanced for positive effects. When this balance is off, magnets that contain energy fields can help rebalance the field. During this rebalancing process, the organs and cells in the body are also healed. 

The therapy uses strong metal magnets placed on top of your body as you lay down on the massage bed for hours. The treatment duration depends on your body’s needs. This session is usually used to help treat health issues like injuries, depression, pain, joint problems, and migraines.


People use various energy healing techniques for different purposes, but most of them intend to become healthy in all aspects of their lives, including being at peace with themselves. Some health professionals believe that healing treatment can be a useful accompaniment to other health practices.

Are you interested in trying these healing touch techniques? Paul Ramsden can help you with your spiritual healing needs. He is known for effectively cleansing negative energy from people’s bodies and helping them shift this energy towards life-changing effects. Contact him today to book a session

A Guide to Letting Go of Negativity Through Running Energy

People experience various energies daily. As much as possible, it’s one’s goal to manifest positive energy throughout their journey and strive to eliminate negative energy from taking over their life. If you’re holding negative emotions due to any circumstance, then one way to deal with it is through energy healing.

As effective as it is to call on a spiritual healer, sometimes, you need to initiate your own intervention and give running energy a try. It’s a kind of meditation practice that aims to eliminate elements blocking your chakra from staying in the present and appreciating what you have and where you are now.

It’s essential to remind yourself that the only way for you to truly heal from what’s affecting you is to accept your emotions and acknowledge the unwanted energy within you. That way, you can become your own healer and strive to remove the negative energy. 

Keep reading below to find out how to embrace pain and run your energy through your chakras effectively.

Find Your Center

Find centre point for energy healing on yourself
Finding your own centre helps you to become more present. More living in the now.

It’s an unnecessary habit for people to constantly look back at the past or worry about their future, as it causes them to rarely appreciate the present

You need to allow yourself to become grounded and remind yourself to focus on what’s in front of you. Acknowledging your presence leads the path towards healing by ensuring your mind, body, emotions, and spirit are all in tune.

Create a Grounding Cord

Begin by sitting upright while avoiding crossing your legs and arms. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and imagine a stream of light. Let it move from your first chakra, found at the end of your tailbone, towards the centre of the earth.

Open Your Seventh Chakra

Proceed with envisioning the same light travelling from your seventh chakra at the top of your head and allow it to find its way up. The goal is to get that light to create a connection with the divine or cosmic energy around you.

Signal Your Spirit Back

As you maintain a steady rhythm of your breathing, say your full name aloud three times. It reminds you of who you are and what makes your name uniquely you. This practice informs yourself to stay in the present moment.

Develop Grounding Cords 

You can move on with opening the chakras found on the soles of your feet. As they remain planted on the floor, imagine beams of light making their way from the centre of your feet towards the earth’s core. 

Run the Earth Energy

After establishing the necessary cords from your previously mentioned chakras, you can begin pulling earth energy to you. Since it originates from the earth, you must call on it from the centre of the ground and permit it to enter your feet, up your legs and torso, and out towards the crown of your head.

The process aims to fill your body’s outer layer with earth energy up to the aura’s edge that reaches the tips of your fingers and toes. When you feel the aura emanating throughout your body, direct it to flush down the grounding cord through your first chakra, back to the centre of the earth.

Run the Forgiveness Energy

Rose for forgiveness energy healing
Imagining a rose can help to draw in forgiveness energy and grounding.

Forgiveness energy is also called Christ-force energy, which gives off a translucent gold colour with blue tones. You can pull forgiveness energy into your body the same way you called up the earth energy.

Let it flow out your seventh chakra to fill your aura and eliminate any unwanted energy that isn’t doing you good to allow more room for your spirit. Once you’re filled with forgiveness energy, release it to your grounding cord back to the earth. Repeat the process four times to ground yourself completely.

Run Your Healing Energy

To run your energy, take it through each of your chakras, clearing your negative energy by going through loops to eliminate blockages. Allow the healing power to fill you and wash over your mind, body, spirit, and emotions to help you radiate the same energy to the world around you.

Run the Cosmic Energy

Cosmic energy enters your body through your seventh chakra at the crown of your head and moves down your body through your other chakras. Their last stop is the grounding cord at the earth’s core. It’s necessary to run your ground and cosmic energy four times while envisioning the colours they represent.

Create a New Grounding Cord

The last step to cleansing your negative energy is to completely get rid of your old grounding cord and attract a new one to refocus all your energy into the present. Eliminate any excess energy and allow it to exit your body through your current grounding cord.

You can then let go of it by imagining a rose rooted to the earth, which symbolises forgiveness and transforms dense energy into light. Put your old grounding cord in the centre of the flower and let it explode over an ocean, allowing the rose petals to scatter all over the waters to be rinsed. Repeat the process of creating a grounding cord, and you’re on your way towards achieving peace and harmony with your newfound energies.


You should never keep negative energy from preventing you from staying present and living your life to the fullest. The way to clearing out unwanted energy flowing through you is to run it and call upon the energy surrounding you for help. Follow the steps above and practice it a few times until you achieve your desires—stay in the present and appreciate what’s happening now. If you’re having difficulty finding your centre and opening your chakras properly, you can reach out to a professional to help you through the entire process of running your energy.

Are you looking for energy healing near you to assist you with letting go of your pent up negative energy? Paul Ramsden is dedicated to guiding clients through energy healing, energy bodywork, metaphysical healing, and coaching. Get in touch today to find out how it works!

ts core issues as a means to stimulate emotional healing. If you have PTSD or have experienced life-altering trauma, pairing counselling, and other treatments with chakra healing are the backbone of cleansing negative energy.

What is a Chakra?

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

As part of the energy-healing process, chakras pertain to the body’s centre. They run from your tailbone to the crown of your head, and in front of your spine. Though invisible to the naked eye, chakras make up a vital component of the body’s energy field.

As part of a spiritual healing method, the chakra aims to balance an individual’s physical and emotional well-being. When you encounter a traumatic experience, it can impact all seven chakras, which you’ll learn about below.

  1. Muladhara, the Root Chakra

The root chakra exists in the perineum—the tip of your tailbone. After a traumatic experience, your root chakra may undergo instability regarding grounding, primal energy, survival, safety, and security. When you address this part of the body, you encourage your will to survive.

  1. Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra

This chakra pertains to sexuality, relationships, pleasure, and creativity. It will sometimes overlap the root chakra at the womb or sacrum. Sexual abuse may shut this chakra down, leaving you to question the ability to desire another individual lovingly.

  1. Manipura, the Solar Plexus

This third chakra located near the stomach hones inner strength, vitality, self-control, and assertiveness. After a bout of trauma, you might find it challenging to establish boundaries. Healing the solar plexus restores control and power.

  1. Anahata, the Heart Chakra

Naturally, the heart chakra pertains to feelings of love, along with compassion, forgiveness, and self-esteem. If you have experienced a history of abuse, you might relate feelings of love with distress, shame, and pain.

Thus, healing Anahata allows individuals to establish a sense of love without pain and become open to trust and affection.

  1. Visuddha, the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is home to expression, communication, and speech. Damage to Visuddha can leave individuals feeling strangled or suffocated, and incapable of saying.

Alternatively, a healthy throat chakra enables open honesty and promotes active listening.

  1. Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra

Located between the brows, Ajna associates with intuition, vision, insight, and psychic awareness (ESP). Traumatised individuals might only predict adverse outcomes and perceive every threat. Furthermore, they will question their intuition.

Exercise this chakra via healing therapy to correct and expand your field of vision, simultaneously eliminating emotional threats.

  1. Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra

This final chakra is located on the crown of your head and connects individuals with a higher consciousness or inspiration. Perhaps the most spiritual chakra among all seven, damage to Sahasrara may leave an individual feeling disconnected from reality and their spiritual selves. As such, getting better re-establishes a sense of connectedness and ability to cope.


Negative emotions are energy-draining, disrupting vibrational frequencies. By clearing these energies, you learn to come to terms with traumatic events, regardless of how long your unique process takes. Begin your spiritual healing journey with Paul Ramsden, a fully-qualified hypnotherapist with expertise in challenging anxiety and depression. Book a group or online one-on-one session an unburden yourself with a transformation energy healing session that will leave a profound effect on your spiritual self.

Metaphysical Energy Healing in Leeds, West Yorkshire

Metaphysical healing is a holistic, whole body type of healing. The body isn’t an entity that operates on its own. In fact, a lot of what the body feels and does is subject to what the mind and soul drive it to do. Cleansing negative energy from one’s life is a process that requires spiritual guidance and lots of healing. Throughout a person’s life, there will be plenty of experiences that build up traumas and pains, which ultimately carry on to future endeavours if not addressed promptly.

Metaphysical healing for body, mind and soul
Metaphysical healing works on your body. mind and soul.

Living in the UK is rather gloomy at specific times of the year, and many people can experience the pains and anxieties of living in such expensive environments that are hard to sustain. These difficulties make energy healing in Leeds popular due to its ability to reconnect the entire metaphysical system of a person.

Metaphysical Healing

Also known as intuitive healing, this is a process that reconnects and strengthens the relationship between human emotions and the physical body of a person. Through a process of cleansing negative energy, a person’s energy levels will boost, resulting in fewer discomforts and illnesses caused by hurt and traumas. It is an elastic and accessible field, which can be quickly addressed by a healer.

Human minds are mighty and often offer the key to access the various elements of this process. Initially finding the right mindset to tackle the spiritual healing process can be challenging, but a healer can help guide anyone to find their best flow of energy.

How Energy Healing Works

Metaphysical healing is used to clear blockages in your chakras
Metaphysical healing works with your chakras to clear blockages and free up your energy. Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

The human body is said to possess energy sites that come in what are called “chakras.” These are located in the energy fields of a person and exude a special aura that glows around a person’s body. Spiritual healers can see this aura and identify what a person is like based on their guide. Various personalities from different cultures practically utilise intuitive healing, such as shamans, Reiki practitioners, and other kinds of modern-day gifted healers. This process allows the energies to flow healthily through a person’s body through their spinal column, and act as the overall energy pattern towards improved wellbeing.

Cleansing negative energy is the first step to feeling better, and many know this to be true. When life is shrouded in stress and discomfort, the chances are that energetic chakras are affected and can experience entrapment by emotional wounds. Mindsets that prevent a person from moving forward are also affected by trapped chakras and vice versa. Today’s world thinks less of the concept of human bodily energies and are more focused on the fast-paced nature of life. When people have a free-flowing mind, body and spirit connection, the chakras can make daily life less of a burden. Each of the seven chakras has a link to specific emotion and organ set, and ensuring that each is fluid in motion will make for a more comfortable life.

Why Energy Levels Are Important

Various chakras have their respective links to the way humans live daily life. An example is in the fifth chakra, which is where the concept of voice and breathing comes into play. Chakra five allows energy to work with the lungs, diaphragm, ears, breathing, and other components used to speak and listen. Any negative energies that fill the communicative process with sorrows or grief settle at the site of this chakra and affect it significantly.

When these are not resolved promptly, they can compromise the vital signs of the respiratory system and affect its functionality. Warning signs will appear, and taking these into account will assist in helping free the chakras through seeing a healer that will help with cleansing negative energy forms.


The human body is incredible, and the mind that drives it is even more of a mysterious force. Energies fuel the body and give the ability to conduct daily tasks with positivity and good vibrations. Whenever anything is wrong with the chakra flows, this often shows and bleeds into many areas of life.

Paul Ramsden conducts energy healing in Leeds, UK for people who are experiencing impasses and adjustments in life. Through the transformation of energy and the expulsion of negativity, metaphysical healing is possible and will assist with overall vitality and wellbeing. Contact Paul Ramsden to learn more about the chakra flows of the human body.

Metaphysics - Exploring the nature of the mind

The metaphysical is what lies beyond the tangible and pertains to emotions we feel profoundly but cannot measure. Mysterious and incalculable, the metaphysical can play a leading role in your journey towards healing. By embracing the truest parts of oneself, achieving the highest good is just within reach. If you’re considering hypnotherapy, there are more than a few ways you can immerse yourself in the metaphysical.

Beyond Deja Vu: Past Life Regression

deja vu

Suppose you’re visiting a place for the first time yet experience an acutely visceral response. Do you feel you may be struggling with something not rooted in this lifetime? Are you connecting with something or someone beyond this incarnation?

Through past life regression, you can come to terms with traumatic experiences and access memories hidden deep within the subconscious mind. Past life regression is hardly literal. Despite the insinuations, it aims to uncover intense, unexplainable connections and allows you to explore unresolved emotions that may cause emotional stress.

Spiritual Guidance: Kemetic Reiki

Most sacred sciences and medicine originated in Ancient Egypt, formerly known as Kemet. Energy healing through the use of crystals, sound therapy, and other elements have stood the test of time. Contemporarily, healing rites work to balance and align the mind, body and spirit.

Kemetic Reiki is useful in instances of lacking motivation, experiencing spiritual or mental blocks, or not feeling grounded.

Your Skype hypnotherapist will harness Sekhem, the universal life force, to harmonise your chakras and repair damage to the auric field.

Archetypal Therapeutic Imagery

The subconscious mind communicates visually. In their purest forms, archetypes are elemental and make up the building blocks of people. Unlocking transformational gateways to one’s highest purpose through imagery serve as facilitators to healing, insight, and release.

Saying Goodbye: Cord-Cutting

cord cutting
Cord cutting can be a very powerful way of letting go of past connections

The end of a relationship doesn’t mean it’s “over.” Sometimes, remnants of it will haunt you, causing you to enter a cycle of toxic and draining connections. If you’re seeking romantic love, you don’t want to carry baggage into your next relationship.

Energetic cord-cutting can help you reclaim power over past entanglements and stop recreating patterns that you’re hoping to break. The approach is loving and helps to restore vibrational autonomy.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Tapping is a method of psychological acupressure. Accessing your natural energy meridian while keeping attention to a specific issue can relieve you of addictions, pain, trauma, and stress.

Despite its simplicity, emotional freedom techniques are empowering and impactful. You can craft a new mantra per session, focusing energy on the present moment.


Not every illness is physical, nor are they tangible. Anxiety can manifest in a dozen different ways and can be challenging to overcome. Through hypnotherapy and transformational energy healing, you access the body’s natural stress-relieving mechanisms in a safe and trusted space.

Paul Ramsden can help you to learn to become one with your subconscious mind and mitigate painful truths. Through Skypenosis, you can receive treatment from anywhere in the world. Your healing journey need not start in Leeds. Give us a call and receive a free consultation—the expedition begins by picking up the phone.